Acronym | Definition |
UW➣University of Wisconsin (also seen as UoW) |
UW➣University of Washington |
UW➣University of Wyoming |
UW➣University of Waterloo |
UW➣United Way |
UW➣Underwater |
UW➣Underwear |
UW➣Used With |
UW➣Underway |
UW➣Underworld |
UW➣You're Welcome |
UW➣Unit Weight |
UW➣Underwriter |
UW➣Uniwersytet Warszawski |
UW➣University of Windsor |
UW➣University of Warwick (UK) |
UW➣Unconventional Warfare |
UW➣University of Worcester (UK) |
UW➣Microwatts |
UW➣Freedom Union (Poland) |
UW➣University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) |
UW➣Unique Word |
UW➣Under World |
UW➣Unia Wolnosci (Polish: Freedom Union party) |
UW➣Under Will |
UW➣Ukrainian Woman |
UW➣Universal Word |
UW➣Universal Wiring |
UW➣Upset Welding |
UW➣Ultima Weapon (Final Fantasy gaming) |
UW➣Unified Watershed Assessment |
UW➣Universidad Wiener (Spanish: Wiener University; Peru) |
UW➣USSR West of 100 Degrees |
UW➣Universal Workflow |