

单词 rebellion



R0076200 (rĭ-bĕl′yən)n.1. a. Open, armed, and organized resistance to a constituted government.b. An instance of this.2. a. Defiance toward an authority or established convention: an act of adolescent rebellion.b. An instance of this.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin rebelliō, rebelliōn-, from rebellāre, to rebel; see rebel.]


(rɪˈbɛljən) n1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) organized resistance or opposition to a government or other authority2. dissent from an accepted moral code or convention of behaviour, dress, etc[C14: via Old French from Latin rebelliō revolt (of those conquered); see rebel]


(rɪˈbɛl yən)

n. 1. open, organized, and armed resistance to a government or ruler. 2. resistance to or defiance of any authority, control, or tradition. [1300–50; Middle English rebellioun < Old French < Latin rebelliō=rebell(āre) to rebel + -iō -ion]


, revolution - Rebellion is open resistance to a government or authority; revolution is a rebellion that succeeds in overthrowing the government and establishing a new one.See also related terms for revolution.



fly in the face of To recklessly defy or challenge; to act in bold opposition to. A bird or insect that flies in the face of a predator is acting against its instincts and thus courting trouble. The phrase is often used figuratively to describe political or social opposition:

He had to fly in the face of adverse decisions. (Nations, December, 1891)

Extensions of the expression include to fly in the face of danger and to fly in the face of providence, both of which carry a sense of reckless or impetuous disregard for safety.

kick against the pricks To protest in vain, to ineffectually resist a superior force or authority, especially to one’s own detriment. This expression appears several times in the Bible. In Acts 9:5 Jesus answers Saul’s question “Who art thou, Lord?” by answering:

I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Prick in this case literally refers to a sharp, pointed goad for oxen and figuratively to the voice of authority. To literally kick against the pricks then is a painful and thoroughly futile act.

For the past ten years he has known what it is to “kick against the pricks” of legitimate Church authority. (Marie Corelli, God’s Good Man, 1904)

kick over the traces To rebel, to resist or rise up against the accepted order, to throw off or defy conventional restraints. A harnessed horse literally kicks over the traces when it gets a leg outside the straps (traces) connecting its harness to a carriage or wagon.

The effervescence of genius which drives men to kick over the traces of respectability. (Sir Leslie Stephen, Hours in a Library, 1876)

left-wing Espousing radical or progressive political, social, or economic ideologies; favoring extensive political, social, or economic reform; socialistic; Communistic. This expression arose as the result of the French National Assembly of 1789 in which conservatives were seated in the right side, or wing, of the hall, moderates in the middle, and radical democrats and extremists in the left wing. This seating arrangement persists in several contemporary legislatures including the British Commonwealth Assemblies where politicians with radical or socialistic views usually sit to the left of the presiding officer. After World War II, and especially during the McCarthy era, left-wing usually implied that one was a Communist or a Communist sympathizer.

The left-wing challenge over Europe is expected to unseat at least one member of the Labour Party National Executive Committee. (Times, September 5, 1972)

People or groups of people with left-wing philosophies are frequently called left wing, left-wingers, or the Left. The radical political activists in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s were often called the New Left in an attempt to dissociate them and their activities from intimations of Communist influence or complicity.

sow dragon’s teeth See PROVOCATION.

take the bit between one’s teeth To cast off external controls and take charge of one’s own life; to rebel against unfair restraints or impositions. The bit in this expression refers to the mouthpiece of a bridle, attached to the reins used to control a horse. When a horse takes the bit between his teeth, the pain in his mouth is relieved and he becomes more manageable. This expression, dating from the early 17th century, often implies willful defiance. A variant is take the bit in one’s teeth.

young Turk An insurgent; one who advocates reform in a staid, conservative organization; a rebel; a political radical or liberal. In 1891, a group of reformists established the Young Turks, a political party dedicated to realigning the priorities of the Turkish Empire and instituting European ideologies and customs in governmental procedures. After inciting a revolt in 1908 in which the Sultan was deposed, the Young Turks remained a viable political force until the end of World War I. By extension, young Turk has assumed figurative implications as evidenced in this quote from John Gunther (1901-70), cited in Webster’s Third:

The young Turks … [are] opposed to the ossified conservatism of the older, so-called statesmen.

Noun1.rebellion - refusal to accept some authority or code or conventionrebellion - refusal to accept some authority or code or convention; "each generation must have its own rebellion"; "his body was in rebellion against fatigue"resistance - group action in opposition to those in power
2.rebellion - organized opposition to authorityrebellion - organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from anotherinsurrection, revolt, uprising, risingconflict, struggle, battle - an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"insurgence, insurgency - an organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflictintifada, intifadah - an uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000; "the first intifada ended when Israel granted limited autonomy to the Palestine National Authority in 1993"mutiny - open rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers)


noun1. resistance, rising, revolution, revolt, uprising, mutiny, insurrection, insurgency, insurgence They soon put down the rebellion.2. nonconformity, dissent, defiance, heresy, disobedience, schism, insubordination, apostasy He engaged in a small act of rebellion against his heritage.Quotations
"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" [John Bradshaw]


nounOrganized opposition intended to change or overthrow existing authority:insurgence, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, revolt, revolution, sedition, uprising.


(ˈrebl) noun1. a person who opposes or fights against people in authority, eg a government. The rebels killed many soldiers; (also adjective) rebel troops. 造反者,反抗者 造反者2. a person who does not accept the rules of normal behaviour etc. My son is a bit of a rebel. 叛逆的人 叛逆者 (rəˈbel) verb past tense, past participle reˈbelled to fight (against people in authority). The people rebelled against the dictator; Teenagers often rebel against their parents' way of life. 反抗 反抗rebellion (rəˈbeljən) noun1. an open or armed fight against a government etc. 武裝叛亂 武装叛乱2. a refusal to obey orders or to accept rules etc. 叛逆 反叛rebellious (rəˈbeljəs) adjective rebelling or likely to rebel. rebellious troops/children. 反叛的,叛逆的 反叛的,反抗的 reˈbelliously adverb 反叛地,叛逆的 反叛地reˈbelliousness noun 反叛,叛逆 反叛,反抗



organized resistance or opposition to a government or other authority


successful or unsuccessful mass uprisings against an existing set of rules, usually distinguished from REVOLUTION in that the system of power and authority is not fundamentally questioned, and also distinguished from COUPS D’ETAT in that the latter involve political ‘insiders’ rather than mass movements. Rebellions were a characteristic form of dynastic change in preindustrial empires. Glucksmann (1963) also sees these as endemic in traditional African states. Among typical groups involved in rebellions are slaves, peasants, and millenarian sects. The reason why rebellions rarely lead to revolutions is that forms of political organization based on CLASS and genuine structural alternatives in political and economic organization are both usually lacking before the advent of INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES.


Absalomconspires to overthrow father, David. [O.T.: II Samuel 15:10–18:33]Bastille Daycelebration of day Paris mob stormed prison; first outbreak of French Revolution (1789). [Fr. Hist.: EB, I: 866]Beer Hall Putschearly, aborted Nazi coup (1923). [Ger. Hist.: Hitler, 198–241]Boston Tea Partyirate colonists, dressed as Indians, pillage three British ships (1773). [Am. Hist.: Jameson, 58, 495]Boxer Rebellionxenophobic Chinese Taoist faction rebelled against foreign intruders (1900). [Chinese Hist.: Parrinder, 50]Caine Mutiny, Thesailors seize command from the pathological and incompetent Capt. Queeg. [Am. Lit.: Wouk The Caine Mutiny in Benét, 157]Christian, Fletcher(fl. late 18th century) leader of mutinous sailors against Captain Bligh (1789). [Am. Lit.: Mutiny on the Bounty]Easter Risingunsuccessful Irish revolt against British (1916). [Irish Hist.: EB, III: 760–761]Gunpowder PlotGuy Fawkes’s aborted plan to blow up British House of Commons (1605). [Br. Hist.: NCE, 1165]Harpers Ferryscene of Brown’s aborted slave uprising. [Am. Hist.: John Jameson, 220]Hungarian Revoltiron-curtain country futilely resisted Soviet domination (1956). [Eur. Hist.: Van Doren, 553]Jacquerie Frenchpeasant revolt, brutally carried out and suppressed (1358). [Fr. Hist.: Bishop, 372–373]Jeroboamwith God’s sanction, establishes hegemony over ten tribes of Israel. [O.T.: I Kings 11:31–35]Korahrose up against Moses; slain by Jehovah. [O.T.: Numbers 16:1–3]Kralich, Ivanfugitive from Turkish law; firebrand for Bulgarian independence of Ottoman rule. [Bulgarian Lit.: Under the Yoke]Mutiny on the Bountyactivities of mutineers, Captain Bligh, island wanderings (1789). [Am. Lit.: Mutiny on the Bounty]Peasants’ Revolt,the English villeins’ attempt to improve their lot (1381). [Br. Hist.: Bishop, 220–221, 373–374]Pilot,the Mr. Gray successfully carries out many assignments for the rebels and thwarts the British [Am. Lit.: Cooper The Pilot]Sepoy Rebellion Indiansoldiers’ uprising against British rule in India (1857–1858). [Br. Hist.: NCE, 1328]Shebaled an aborted revolt against King David. [O.T.: II Samuel 20: 1–2]Spina, Pietroreturns from exile disguised as a priest and engages in antifascist activities. [Ital. Lit.: Bread and Wine]


REBELLION, crim. law. The taking up arms traitorously against the government and in another, and perhaps a more correct sense, rebellion signifies the forcible opposition and resistance to the laws and process lawfully issued.
2. If the rebellion amount to treason, it is punished by the laws of the United States with death. If it be a mere resistance of process, it is generally punished by fine and imprisonment. See Dalloz, Dict. h.t.; Code Penal, 209.

REBELLION, COMMISSION OF. A commission of rebellion is the name of a writ issuing out of chancery to compel the defendant to appear. Vide Commission of Rebellion.


  • noun

Synonyms for rebellion

noun resistance


  • resistance
  • rising
  • revolution
  • revolt
  • uprising
  • mutiny
  • insurrection
  • insurgency
  • insurgence

noun nonconformity


  • nonconformity
  • dissent
  • defiance
  • heresy
  • disobedience
  • schism
  • insubordination
  • apostasy

Synonyms for rebellion

noun organized opposition intended to change or overthrow existing authority


  • insurgence
  • insurgency
  • insurrection
  • mutiny
  • revolt
  • revolution
  • sedition
  • uprising

Synonyms for rebellion

noun refusal to accept some authority or code or convention

Related Words

  • resistance

noun organized opposition to authority


  • insurrection
  • revolt
  • uprising
  • rising

Related Words

  • conflict
  • struggle
  • battle
  • insurgence
  • insurgency
  • intifada
  • intifadah
  • mutiny




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