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DictionarySeelobuleprimary pulmonary lobule
pul·mo·nar·y ac·i·nusthat part of the airway consisting of a respiratory bronchiole and all of its branches. Synonym(s): primary pulmonary lobule, respiratory lobuleprimary pulmonary lobule A sub-segmental structure which, with the acinus, is the smallest unit of lung tissue. It consists of an alveolar duct, alveolar sacs and alveoli and their cognate blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves.pul·mo·nar·y aci·nus (pul'mŏ-nār-ē as'i-nŭs) That part of the airway consisting of a respiratory bronchiole and all of its branches. Synonym(s): primary pulmonary lobule. lobule (lob'ul?) [L. lobulus, small lobe] 1. A physically defined subsection of an organ.2. A functionally defined subsection of an organ -- usually, an organ that is composed of many such functional units.breast lobuleThe basic functional unit of the mammary gland, consisting of a tree of several intralobular ducts (also called alveolar ducts), each of which can develop a terminal alveolus composed of milk-secreting epithelial cells. Together, the breast lobules that empty into the same lactiferous duct form a breast lobe. central lobule of cerebellumA small lobe at the anterior part of the superior vermiform process.cerebellar lobuleAny of the macroscopic circumferential (transverse) segments that can be seen on the superior (dorsal) cerebellar surface.ear lobuleearlobelobules of epididymisConelike divisions of the head of the epididymis formed by the much-coiled distal ends of the efferent ducts of the testis.hepatic lobuleLiver lobule.inferior parietal lobuleThe lower half of the posterior segment of the parietal lobe of the brain. The anterior segment of the parietal lobe comprises the postcentral gyrus. Behind this gyrus, the remainder of the parietal lobe is divided by a longitudinal sulcus, the intraparietal sulcus. The region of the parietal lobe above this sulcus is called the superior parietal lobule; the region below the sulcus is called the inferior parietal lobule. The inferior parietal lobule merges into the occipital and temporal lobes. Synonym: inferior parietal gyruslobule of kidneySubdivision of the renal cortex consisting of a medullary ray and surrounding nephrons. LIVER LOBULEliver lobuleA small subunit of the liver composed of cells (hepatocytes) that process blood from an incoming portal venule and send the resulting blood to an outgoing hepatic venule. There are two types of liver lobule, which look at the same cluster of liver cells from opposite ends. Focusing on the outflow of blood, the classical lobule is composed of those cords of hepatocytes that drain blood into an individual hepatic venule. Focusing on the inflow of blood, the portal lobule is defined to be those cords of hepatocytes that drain blood from an individual portal venule. Synonym: hepatic lobule See: illustrationlobule of lungOne of the physiological units of the lung consisting of a respiratory bronchiole and its branches (alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli). Synonym: primary pulmonary lobulepancreatic lobuleAn internal subsegment of the pancreas that is drained by a single lobular duct. (Lobular ducts empty directly into the main pancreatic duct.) paracentral lobuleA gyrus on the upper medial surface of each cerebral hemisphere, behind the medial frontal gyrus and above the cingulate gyrus.. This lobule is the continuation, from the lateral brain surface, of the precentral (motor) and postcentral (sensory) gyri and contains cortical areas representing the lower leg, foot, toes, bladder, rectum, and genitalia. Synonym: paracentral gyrus; paracentral lobeparietal lobuleEither the inferior or the superior parietal lobule.primary pulmonary lobuleLobule of lung.secondary pulmonary lobuleThe smallest functionally complete unit in the lung. It is about 1 cm wide and 2 cm long, contains a few acini, and is connected to the bronchial tree by a small bronchiole. Each secondary pulmonary lobule is supplied by a pulmonary arteriole, pulmonary venule, and lymphatics and is separated from neighboring secondary pulmonary lobules by connective tissue septa. superior parietal lobuleThe upper half of the posterior segment of the parietal lobe of the brain. Synonym: superior parietal gyruslobules of testisPyramidal divisions separated from each other by incomplete partitions called septa. Each consists of one to three coiled seminiferous tubules. lobules of thymusSubdivisions of a lobe, each consisting of a cortex and medulla. |