primary preventive nursing

pri·mar·y pre·ven·tive nurs·ing

(prī'mar-ē prē-ven'tiv nŭrs'ing) Nursing interventions and care directed at health promotion. The focus of primary preventive care includes promotion of a healthy lifestyle and reduction of major risk factors. Emphasis is on nutrition, exercise, rest, immunization, accident prevention (e.g., motor vehicle trauma, bicycles, guns, poisonings), safe environment, mental health, and abstinence from sex or safe sex. A lifestyle is promoted that reduces the risk of obesity, alcohol and substance abuse, accidents, physical or mental abuse, sexual promiscuity, and smoking.

pri·mar·y pre·ven·tive nurs·ing

(prī'mar-ē prē-ven'tiv nŭrs'ing) Nursing interventions and care directed at health promotion. The focus of primary preventive care includes promotion of a healthy lifestyle and reduction of major risk factors of health.