seromucous gland

se·ro·mu·cous gland

1. a gland in which some secretory cells are serous and some mucous; 2. a gland with cells that secrete a fluid intermediate varying between a watery and a more viscous mucoid substance. Synonym(s): glandula seromucosa

se·ro·mu·cous gland

(sēr'ō-myū'kŭs gland) 1. A gland in which some secretory cells are serous and others mucous. 2. A gland with cells that secrete a fluid intermediate between a watery and a more viscous mucoid substance.

seromucous gland

A mixed serous and mucus gland.See also: gland

se·ro·mu·cous gland

(sēr'ō-myū'kŭs gland) 1. Gland in which some secretory cells are serous and some mucous. 2. Gland with cells that secrete a fluid intermediate varying between watery and a more viscous mucoid substances.