Pedagogicheskii Sbornik
Pedagogicheskii Sbornik
(Pedagogical Anthology), a monthly pedagogical journal published by the Central Board of Military Educational Institutions in St. Petersburg between 1864 and 1918.
Pedagogicheskii sbornik, one of a number of widely read Russian pedagogical journals, furthered the development of pedagogical theory and methodology and devoted much attention to practical problems of instruction and upbringing. The journal, which contained descriptions of model lessons and articles on the history of teaching and upbringing, was enriched by the pedagogical experience of other countries.
Russian educators contributing to Pedagogicheskii sbornik included K. D. Ushinskii, N. F. Bunakov, N. Kh. Vessel’, V. I. Vodovozov, A. Ia. Gerd, P. F. Kapterev, P. F. Lesgaft, L. N. Modzalevskii, A. N. Ostrogorskii, D. D. Semonov, and D. I. Tikhomirov.