释义 |
ped-(word root) footExamples of words with the root ped-: pedestrian, pedalped- 1pref. Variant of pedo-1.
ped- 2pref. Variant of pedo-2.ped- combining form a variant (esp US) of paedo- ped- or paed- var. of pedo- before a vowel: pedagogue. -ped a combining form with the meaning “having a foot” of the kind specified by the initial element: pinniped. Compare -pod. [< Latin -ped-, s. of -pēs -footed, adj. derivative of pēs foot] ped. 1. pedal. 2. pedestal. 3. pedestrian. EncyclopediaSeePEDped-enUK
ped(o)- 1. [Gr.] child.2. [L.] foot.ped- , pedi-pedo-1. Child. 2. Foot, feet. ped- , pedi- , pedo-1. Combining forms denoting child. 2. Combining forms denoting foot, feet. Synonym(s): paed-, paedi-, paedo-. [G. pais, child] |