Series EE savings bond

Series EE Savings Bond

In the United States, a savings bond, exempt from state and local taxes, with a fixed interest rate. The interest is adjusted every six months and is equal to 90% of the average 5-year Treasury security yield over the six months preceding the calculation. These bonds are sold at half of face value and pay par upon maturity, which is 30 years after purchase. They must be held for at least one year, and United States Treasury guarantees that it will double in value after 20 years. They are non-transferable and must either be held or redeemed. When used to pay for college education, they are exempt from federal taxes. Series EE bonds are the successors to Series E bonds, better known as war bonds.

Series EE savings bond

A U.S. Treasury obligation that pays a variable interest rate and is sold to investors in denominations as low as $50 at a 50% discount from face value. Series EE bonds earn interest at 90% of the average yield on five-year Treasury securities for the previous six months. Bonds may be redeemed after six months early, but a three-month interest penalty is assessed for redemptions during the first five years. Federal income taxes on interest earned may be paid each year or may be deferred until the savings bond is redeemed. Interest earned on savings bonds is exempt from state and local taxation. See also Patriot Bond.