

单词 pec



P0138875 (pĕk)n. Slang A pectoral muscle: "Beneath those pecs there beats a heart" (Leon Wieseltier).
[Short for pectoral.]


(pɛk) n (Anatomy) (usually plural) informal short for pectoral muscle



Short for "pectoral muscle," one of the two large, flat muscles that go across one's chest. Typically used in the plural. Wow, my pecs are really sore after that workout!


and pecs and pects (pɛk(t)s) n. the pectoral muscles. (From weightlifting and bodybuilding.) Look at the pecks on that guy! See also: peck


verbSee pecksSee also: Pécs


verbSee pecks



Kosovo: see PejëPejë,
, or Peć
, town (2011 pop. 95,723), W Kosovo. A trade center, it has industries that produce leather goods, foodstuffs, and handicrafts.
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a city in Yugoslavia, in the autonomous region of Kosovo, Socialist Republic of Serbia. Situated among the foothills of the North Albanian Alps, on the Pećska-Bistrica River, a tributary of the Beli Drin. Population, 48,000 (1973). The trade and transportation center for the agricultural region of the Metohija Basin, Peć has a food-processing industry. It also has a woodworking combine, an enterprise producing ceramics, and a hydroelectric power plant. The city’s crafts industry produces carpets and jewelry. Peć has research institutes for agriculture and forestry. Marble is quarried near the city.

Among the city’s architectural landmarks is the complex of the Patriarchate, consisting of the Church of the Holy Apostles (1230’s; frescoes in the interior date from the 13th to 17th centuries) and—adjacent to this church on the north and south—the churches of St. Demetrius (1321–24; interior frescoes date from the 14th to 17th centuries) and of Our Lady of Hodegetria (1324–27) with the belfry of St. Nicholas (mid-13th century). The churches are joined by a common western vestibule (mid-14th to 16th centuries). They contain a wealth of Serbian fine and decorative-applied arts from the 13th to 17th centuries.


Mijović, P. Pećha patrijaršija. Belgrade, 1960.



(pĕk)n. Slang A pectoral muscle: "Beneath those pecs there beats a heart" (Leon Wieseltier).


Abbreviation for:
pancreatic exocrine cells
perivascular epithelioid cell
professional executive committee, see there 
Psychiatric Emergency Center
pulmonary ejection click


PECPosta Elettronica Certificata (Italian: Certified Electronic Mail)
PECProfessional Education Center
PECPakistan Engineering Council
PECPrince Edward County
PECProposta de Emenda à Constituição (politics, Brazil)
PECPeritoneal Exudate Cells (immunology)
PECPerivascular Epithelioid Cell
PECPacket Error Checking (computing)
PECPiedmont Environmental Council (Virginia)
PECPunjab Engineering College (Chandigarh, India)
PECPlanning and Environment Committee (various locations)
PECPacket Exchange Cycle
PECPartner E-Learning Connection
PECPeripheral Event Controller
PECPrimary Enterprise Controller
PECPrimary Education Completion
PECPredicted Environmental Concentration
PECPacific Economic Community
PECPacket Error Code
PECPharmacoEconomic Center (US DoD)
PECPhotoelectric Cell
PECPriority Existing Chemical
PECPacific Energy Center
PECPrimary Eye Care (various organizations)
PECPeriodic Error Correction
PECPhysical Education Coaching (various organizations)
PECPrivate Equity Conference (various organizations)
PECProfessional Executive Committee (various organizations)
PECPersonal Effects Coverage (Insurance)
PECParent Education Conference (various organizations)
PECPlacements Épargne Canada (Canada investment savings)
PECProfessional Ethics Committee (various organizations)
PECPerth Entertainment Centre (Australia)
PECPan-European Crossing
PECPerfect Electric Conductor
PECPersistent Elite Creation (gaming)
PECPulsed Eddy Current (inspection tool)
PECPresident's Export Council
PECPhysical Education Center (Emory University)
PECPatient Education Concepts (Houston, TX)
PECProfessional Education Conference
PECPlain English Campaign
PECPotomac Edison Company (Virginia)
PECPrimary Environmental Care
PECPrimary Epithelial Cell (cultures)
PECPlaintiffs' Executive Committee (litigation)
PECPostgraduate Education Committee (various schools)
PECPeoples Energy Corporation (Illinois)
PECPalmer Events Center (Austin, TX)
PECPrivate Equity Council (Washington, DC)
PECPrimary Energy Consumption
PECPolitique Energetique Commune (French: Common Energy Policy)
PECProgress Energy Carolinas, Inc.
PECPolio Eradication Campaign (various organizations)
PECProtestant Episcopal Church
PECPolyelectrolyte Complex
PECPondicherry Engineering College (Pondicherry, India)
PECPredecisional Enforcement Conference
PECProgram Element Code
PECPetroleum Energy Center (Japan)
PECPeace Education Commission
PECPhysician's Emergency Certificate
PECPolitical Equality Club (various locations)
PECProvincial Electoral Commission (various locations)
PECProximity–Effect Correction
PECPolymer Engineering Center
PECPetrohawk Energy Corporation (various locations)
PECPancreatic Epithelial Cell
PECPolymer Engineering Co., Ltd. (Canada)
PECParent Engagement Center (Fresno, CA)
PECProposal Evaluation Committee
PECPolitical Economy Club (various schools)
PECProbable Effect Concentration (toxicology)
PECPeavey Electronics Corporation (various locations)
PECProfessional Engineers in Construction (division of NSPE)
PECPower Efficiency Corporation (various locations)
PECProduct Engineering Center
PECPresidential Exploratory Committee (politics)
PECPersonalized Electronic Catalogue
PECPay Equity Committee (various schools; Canada)
PECPearson Education Canada
PECProfessional Engineering Consultants, Inc.
PECPalestinian Energy and Environment Research Center
PECPre-Embarkation Check (shipping)
PECProfessional Electrical Contractor
PECPersonal Equipment Connector
PECProvider Engagement Coordinator
PECPet Education Center
PECProduct Engineering Code
PECPriesthood Executive Committee
PECProtective Electrostatic Chuck Cover (semiconductors)
PECPotential Energy Curve
PECParallel Earth Conductor
PECPhilippine Electrical Code
PECPure Entertainment Company
PECProject Entropia Cent (gaming, MMORPG)
PECPublic Education Coalition
PECPreferred Equity Certificate
PECProfessional Eligibility Certificate
PECPhilippine Episcopal Church
PECPassive Experiment Carrier (MEEP, NASA)
PECProgram Execution Client
PECProgram Evaluation Center
PECProgramas de Concurrencia
PECPassive Equipment Cabinet
PECPhysical Endurance Course (various organizations)
PECPublic Education Council (Australia)
PECPlant Equipment Code
PECProfiling E. coli Chromosome
PECProduction Equipment Code
PECPropeller Electronic Controller (aviation)
PECProfessional Engineering Corporation (Fairfax, Virginia)
PECProgram/Erase Controller (computer memory)
PECPhoto Electronics Corp
PECPulchowk Engineering College (Kathmandu, Nepal)
PECPower Electronics Council
PECProduct Equipment Code (Nortel)
PECPart Evaluation Cycle
PECProtective Electronic Circuit (electronics)
PECPrion Expert Committee (Japan)
PECPrimary Equipment Custodian
PECPreviously Enjoyed Companion
PECPre-Employment Check (background investigation)
PECPentagon Episcopal Community
PECPhysics Emotion Cognition (software agent traits)
PECPrinted Electrical Circuit
PECPEOC3S Executive Committee
PECPulse Envelope Correlation
PECParmelee Enterprises Corporation
PECPromotion and Education Committee
PECPlatform Evaluation Confidence
PECProgressive Educational Complex (Karachi, Pakistan)
PECPassive Equipment Console
PECPoint, Evidence, Comment (writing format)
PECPrimitive Episcopal Church
PECPassive Equipment Center
PECPersonal Exposure Concentration (chemicals)
PECParramatta Education Centre (Australia)




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