Peau d’Orange Appearance
Dermatology Peau d’orange-like changes of the skin are classically seen in advanced ductal carcinoma of breast or the highly aggressive inflammatory cancer, in which there is subcutaneous ‘puckering’ accompanied by dermal edema, desmoplastic induration, superficial bossellation, erythema, local tenderness ±ulceration. Peau d’orange is used by the French for cellulite
Imaging Peau d’orange is one of 3 radiologic patterns of monostotic fibrous dysplasia (MFD), which is described as a delicately increased trabeculation with increased opacity and peau d’orange-like mottling of edges of the bone lesion; MFD may also appear as a small unilocular radiolucency with sharp borders or as a poorly-circumscribed, radiopacity with innumerable, delicate trabeculations that blend with adjacent normal bone
Ophthalmology A fundoscopic finding corresponding to diffuse, rugose hyperpigmentation of the retinal epithelium in angioid streaks, a typical finding in pseudoxanthoma elasticum. These findings have also been described in ± 15% of patients with Paget’s disease of bone