Peat Press
Peat Press
a machine for pressing pulverized, dried peat into briquettes. The briquettes produced have a density of 200–400 kg/m3, resulting in a high-quality fuel for domestic use. The major components of a peat press are the frame, vertical feed channel, press block with dies, and systems for lubricating, heating, and cooling the press block and transmission.
Peat presses are classified according to the stamp drive mechanism and the type of drive. They may be built as single-mold or multimold units. The prepared peat is pressed in an open mold between the butt of the stamp, which is moved back and forth, and the end of the previously formed briquette, which acts as a movable support. Two models of double-mold presses are used in the USSR: the model B-2.4 (BPD-2) and the model B-4.0 (B 8232). The former has a net output of 2.4 tons per hour, a minimum pressing force of 100 tons, and an operating speed of 70 strokes per min; it is powered by an electric motor rated at 100–125 kilowatts, and the total weight of the unit is 30 tons. The model B-4.0 has a net output of 4.0 tons per hour, a minimum pressing force of 160 tons, and an operating speed of 80 strokes per min; it is powered by a 160-kilowatt electric motor and weighs 51 tons.
With the proper design changes, peat presses may be used to produce briquettes from mixed feeds, sawdust, and other friable materials.
Bulynko, M. G., and E. E. Petrovskii. Tekhnologiia torfobriketnogoproizvodstva. Moscow, 1968.V. S. SOLTITSKII