Rudolf Leuckart

Leuckart, Rudolf


Born Oct. 7, 1822, in Helmstedt; died Feb. 6, 1898, in Leipzig. German zoologist and parasitologist.

Leuckart was a professor at the universities in Giessen (from 1850) and Leipzig (from 1870). His main works dealt with the comparative morphology and taxonomy of invertebrate animals. He was the first to divide anthozoans into two groups—coelenterates and echinoderms. He elucidated the nature of sponges and demonstrated their resemblance to coelenterates. He also explained the structure of siphonophores. Leuckart’s studies on parasitic worms are well known.


Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Parasiten, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der bei dem Menschen schmarotzenden Arten. Leipzig-Heidelberg, 1879.
In Russian translation:
Obshchaia estestvennaia istoriia parazitov, osobenno vidov, vodiashchikhsia u cheloveka. St. Petersburg, 1881.