Rudolf Bergander

Bergander, Rudolf


Born May 22, 1909, in Meissen; died Apr. 10, 1970, in Dresden. German painter and graphic artist.

Bergander studied at the Academy of Arts in Dresden (1929–33) with O. Dix. He became a member of the Communist Party in 1928. He was a member of the Association of Revolutionary Artists of Germany in Dresden (from 1929). After 1949 he taught at the Higher School of Fine Arts in Dresden (professor from 1951; head of the school from 1952 to 1959 and in 1964–65). He was a member of the German Academy of Arts (1961) and National Prize laureate of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (1956). He painted joyful pictures on themes of life in the GDR (Youth, 1961, in the National Gallery in Berlin) and did expressive etchings (the cycle The Party, 1966).


Rudol’f Bergander: [Katalog vystavki]. Moscow, 1969.
[Dänhardt, A.] Rudolf Bergander: [Album]. Dresden, 1965. (Künstler der Gegenwart.)