

单词 w


W 1

The symbol for tungsten.
[From German Wolfram; see wolfram.]

W 2

abbr.1. watt2. Wednesday3. week4. a. westb. western5. Sports win6. Sports winger

w 1

or W W0000100 (dŭb′əl-yo͞o, -yo͝o)n. pl. w's or W's also ws or Ws 1. The 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet.2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter w.3. The 23rd in a series.4. Something shaped like the letter W.

w 2

abbr.1. weight2. width3. Physics work


(ˈdʌbəlˌjuː) or


n, pl w's, W's or Ws1. (Linguistics) the 23rd letter and 18th consonant of the modern English alphabet2. (Phonetics & Phonology) a speech sound represented by this letter, in English usually a bilabial semivowel, as in web


symbol for 1. (General Physics) watt 2. (Navigation) West 3. (General Physics) physics work 4. (Elements & Compounds) chem tungsten 5. (Clothing & Fashion) women's (size) [(sense 4) from New Latin wolframium, from German Wolfram]

W, w

(ˈdʌb əlˌyu, -yʊ; rapidly ˈdʌb yə)

n., pl. Ws W's, ws w's. 1. the 23rd letter of the English alphabet, a semivowel. 2. any spoken sound represented by this letter. 3. something shaped like a W. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter W or w.


1. watt. 2. west. 3. western. 4. white. 5. wide. 6. width. 7. withdrawal.


Symbol. 1. the 23rd in order or in a series. 2. Chem. tungsten. [< German Wolfram wolfram] 3. Biochem. tryptophan.

W +

Symbol. the positively charged W particle.


Symbol. the negatively charged W particle.


1. watt. 2. with. 3. withdrawal.


1. Wales. 2. warden. 3. watt. 4. Wednesday. 5. weight. 6. Welsh. 7. west. 8. western. 9. width. 10. Physics. work.


1. warden. 2. water. 3. watt. 4. week. 5. weight. 6. west. 7. western. 8. wide. 9. width. 10. wife. 11. with. 12. Physics. work.




The symbol for tungsten.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:Switch to new thesaurus
Noun1.W - a heavy grey-white metallic elementW - a heavy grey-white metallic element; the pure form is used mainly in electrical applications; it is found in several ores including wolframite and scheeliteatomic number 74, tungsten, wolframmetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.scheelite - a mineral used as an ore of tungsteniron manganese tungsten, wolframite - a mineral consisting of iron and manganese tungstate in crystalline form; the principal ore of tungsten; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks
2.W - the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degreesdue west, westward, westcardinal compass point - one of the four main compass points
3.W - a unit of power equal to 1 joule per secondW - a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohmwattpower unit - a measure of electric powermilliwatt - a unit of power equal to one thousandth of a wattkilowatt, kW - a unit of power equal to 1000 wattsH.P., horsepower, HP - a unit of power equal to 746 watts
4.w - the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabetdouble-uLatin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europealphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"


1 w1 [ˈdʌbljʊ] N (= letter) → W, w f
W for WilliamW de Washington


2 ABBR =westO


2 ABBR =watt(s)w


w [ˈdʌbəljuː] n (= letter) → W m, w m
W for William → W comme William


[ˈdʌbəljuː] abbr (=west) → O (=watt) → W


, w nW nt, → w nt


abbr of west → W


abbr of watt(s) → W


/ abbr of with → m.


w [ˈdʌbljuː] n (letter) → W, w f or m inv
W for William → W come Washington


abbra. =WestOb. (Elec) =wattW


written abbreviation watt(s). 瓦特


P 1

The symbol for phosphorus.

P 2

abbr.1. Genetics parental generation2. Physics a. parityb. parity conjugation3. pass4. pawn (chess)5. Bible Peter6. Physics pressure

p 1

or P P0130200 (pē)n. pl. p's or P's also ps or Ps 1. The 16th letter of the modern English alphabet.2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter p.3. The 16th in a series.4. Something shaped like the letter P.5. P A hypothesized textual source of certain portions of the Pentateuch that have a formulaic style, contain genealogical lists and descriptions of rituals, and use the name "Elohim" to refer to God.

p 2

Physics The symbol for momentum.

p 3

abbr.1. piano (musical direction)2. proton


(piː) or


n, pl p's, P's or Ps1. (Linguistics) the 16th letter and 12th consonant of the modern English alphabet2. (Phonetics & Phonology) a speech sound represented by this letter, usually a voiceless bilabial stop, as in pig3. mind one's p's and q's to be careful to behave correctly and use polite or suitable language


symbol for 1. (Currencies) (in Britain) penny or pence 2. (Classical Music) music piano: an instruction to play quietly 3. (General Physics) pico- 4. (General Physics) physics a. momentumb. protonc. pressure


symbol for 1. (Elements & Compounds) chem phosphorus 2. (General Physics) physics a. pressureb. powerc. parityd. poise 3. (on road signs) parking 4. (Chess & Draughts) chess pawn 5. (Currencies) currency a. (the former) pesetab. pesoc. patacad. pula abbreviation for 6. (Automotive Engineering) Portugal (international car registration) 7. (Pharmacology) pharmacy only: used to label medicines that can be obtained without a prescription, but only at a shop at which there is a pharmacist

P, p


n., pl. Ps P's, ps p's. 1. the 16th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. 2. any spoken sound represented by this letter. 3. something shaped like a P. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter P or p.


1. Genetics. parental. 2. (as a rating of student performance) passing. 3. Electronics. plate. 4. Protestant.


Symbol. 1. the 16th in order or in a series. 2. phosphorus. 3. Physics. a. power. b. pressure. c. proton. d. poise 2. 4. proline.


1. penny; pence. 2. Music. softly. [< Italian piano]


Chem. para- 1 (def. 2).


1. pastor. 2. father. [Pater] 3. peseta. 4. peso. 5. post. 6. president. 7. priest. 8. prince. 9. progressive.


1. page. 2. part. 3. participle. 4. past. 5. father. [< Latin pater] 6. penny; pence. 7. per. 8. Gram. person. 9. peseta. 10. peso. 11. pint. 12. pipe. 13. Baseball. pitcher. 14. pole. 15. population. 16. after. [< Latin post]


The symbol for phosphorus.


Colloquial term for the Poise used on Cotton scales. For an illustration, see Poise entry.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:Switch to new thesaurus
Noun1.P - a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as organic phosphates in all living cellsP - a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as organic phosphates in all living cells; is highly reactive and occurs in several allotropic formsatomic number 15, phosphoruschemical element, element - any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matterapatite - a common complex mineral consisting of calcium fluoride phosphate or calcium chloride phosphate; a source of phosphorus
2.p - the 16th letter of the Roman alphabetLatin alphabet, Roman alphabet - the alphabet evolved by the ancient Romans which serves for writing most of the languages of western Europealphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"


1 p1 [piː] N (= letter) → P, p f
P for PeterP de Pedro
to mind or watch one's Ps and Qscuidarse or tener mucho cuidado de no meter la pata


2 ABBR1. =penny, pence2. =pagep., pág.


p [ˈpiː] n (= letter) → P, p m
P for Peter → P comme Pierre
to mind one's Ps and Qs → se surveiller


[ˈpiː] abbr (=page) → p (British) = penny, penceP45 n (British) attestation de fin de contrat de travail


, p nP nt, → p nt; to mind one’s P’s and Q’s (inf)sich anständig benehmen


abbr of page → S. abbr of penny, pence


p [piː] n (letter) → P, p f or m inv
P for Peter → P come Padova
mind your p's and q's! → bada a come parli!


1. (written abbreviation) – plural pp – page(s). Summarize pp 30–32. 页(书面语缩写式) 2. (piː) (abbreviation) pence, penny. The price is 85p. 便士(书面语缩写式)



23d letter of the alphabetalphabet
[Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness.
..... Click the link for more information.
, in form a doubled u or v. It is the usual symbol of a voiced bilabial semivowel, as in the English wing. The same semivowel occurs as second member of the dipthongs au (as in house), ō, and o͞o. In twice the w represents a voiceless semivowel, which is heard also in some dialects that distinguish between where and wear. In chemistry W is the symbol for the element tungstentungsten
[Swed.,=heavy stone], metallic chemical element; symbol W; at. no. 74; at. wt. 183.84; m.p. about 3,410&degC;; b.p. 5,660&degC;; sp. gr. 19.3 at 20&degC;; valence +2, +3, +4, +5, or +6.
..... Click the link for more information.


(chemistry) tungsten (physics) watt


1. Abbr. for watt. 2. On drawings, abbr. for “west.” 3. On drawings, abbr. for “width.”



23d letter of the alphabetalphabet
[Gr. alpha-beta, like Eng. ABC], system of writing, theoretically having a one-for-one relation between character (or letter) and phoneme (see phonetics). Few alphabets have achieved the ideal exactness.
..... Click the link for more information.
, in form a doubled u or v. It is the usual symbol of a voiced bilabial semivowel, as in the English wing. The same semivowel occurs as second member of the dipthongs au (as in house), ō, and o͞o. In twice the w represents a voiceless semivowel, which is heard also in some dialects that distinguish between where and wear. In chemistry W is the symbol for the element tungstentungsten
[Swed.,=heavy stone], metallic chemical element; symbol W; at. no. 74; at. wt. 183.84; m.p. about 3,410&degC;; b.p. 5,660&degC;; sp. gr. 19.3 at 20&degC;; valence +2, +3, +4, +5, or +6.
..... Click the link for more information.


(chemistry) tungsten (physics) watt


1. Abbr. for watt. 2. On drawings, abbr. for “west.” 3. On drawings, abbr. for “width.”


The standard unit of measurement of electrical power. One watt is one ampere of current flowing at one volt. Watts are typically rated as AMPS x VOLTS or VOLT-AMP (V-A). However, this rating is only equivalent to watts when it applies to devices that absorb all the energy, such as electric heating coils or incandescent light bulbs. With computer power supplies, the actual watt rating is only 60% to 70% of the VOLT-AMP rating.



 tungsten (Ger. wolfram); watt.


Symbol for tungsten; watt; tryptophan; tryptophanyl.


A gene on chromosome 6p21 that encodes an RNA helicase with ATPase activity.
Molecular pathology
SKIV2L mutations cause tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome.


 Symbol for: 1. Tryptophan.2. Warfarin.3. Water.4. Watt.5. Web–as in WWW.6. Weber fraction–psychological testing.7. Weight.8. White–as in WBCs.9. Width.10. Withdrawal.11. Woman.12. Work.


Symbol for 1. Load/unit of length.2. Workshop–see there.


Abbreviation for watt; tryptophan; tungsten.




Abbreviation for tryptophan; watt.

Patient discussion about W

Q. I would like to chat with someone w/any knowledge of fibromyalgia being treated with Methadone my best friend has severe fibromyalgia and has been treated with Methadone for the past several years. She has developed severe chronic anemia in these years. She now has lymphoma. I want to know if she is the only one and if methadone can affect bone marrow.A. I have never ever heard or read anywhere about methadone causing anemia, nor is that something that an opiate medication would normally cause. We all have a tendency to blame everything that happens to us, health-wise, on methadone sometimes--but in this case, you probably need to look elsewhere for the cause.
the Anemia is probably due to the Lymphoma. if not-her life is out of balance, she might changed her diet and may have shortage of iron or B12.

Q. Does anyone suffer with Charcot disease of bilateal feet? Any suggestions you may have w/ treatment? Thanks! I was diagnosed with Charcot about 2 years ago but did not believe I had same at that time. After going thru many medical issues with my husband and myself, this was put on the back burner, so to speak, until other items could be addressed. I am mostly confined to a wheelchair now and find it best off, for now, to wear those "Croc RX" shoes (maybe around $40) and also inserts inside the Croc shoes. Initially I was just buying the inserts, but as the bones collapsed further, with the bone on the right foot actually coming through the bottom of the right foot, I had some made which were made of a more soft, pliable material. Luckily for me, I have access to a person who makes them or else I would not be able to afford them; they are so expensive and often times not worth your money. Do not let people talk you into buying inserts until you talk with others or else you will be, like I was initially, just out hundreds of dollars. I did find a few websites whereby I was able to order shoes with larger toe room and heel room to accommodate the inserts better, another issue you have to think of. YOu just cannot stick inserts into shoes like you used to wear, it will no longer work that way. I would love to share any helpful hints, suggestions, and also hear from others. AS a medical transcriptionist for many years, I HAD typed the term before, just was not familiar with the ravages it can cause and the misunderstanding of friends and family members. Also, I have these grandchildren whom I would die for and my one wish in the whole world is to take them to Disneyland and just watch them for a day HAVE FUN! I have an older electric scooter but cannot yet bring myself to use it inside the house...our home is not that large anyway and certainly -- as I have found out the hard way! -- NOT HANDICAPPED FRIENDLY! I have not driven a car since Oct of 07 and I worked for nearly 18 years or so at a hospital in Apple Valley, California, and I miss working so much. If it were not for my sense of humor, my drive, my being a military wife (husband retired U.S. Army), my good friends and good family and, this part SHOULD have gone first!, my faith in God and in Jesus Christ, I do not know how I would have reached this point. I know EVERYONE is having problems...even the billionaires (and yes, I can feel sorry for them too). We are ALL in this together and to just love one another and help one another should be EVERYONE's top goal. I am certainly no saint here...still love to joke around and if it were not for the pain meds, I might even have a beer once in a while, but I want to do what is right and I want my legs back! I am also interested to know if anyone knows anything at all regarding stem cell research...I heard in N. California they are beginning some type of stem cell research plan for spinal cord injuries on human volunteers - ones I believe who have perhaps lost the use of their legs - so I would be greatly interested in knowing more about this aspect as well.Thanks for reading this and thanks in advance for any and all information, websites, names of other individuals, anything in order to help educate myself, and others, regarding Charcot disease. God bless all of you reading this and may all your own aches and pains be small ones! Blessings your way always - BarbaraA. wow...BARBS- your story is harsh...and (not from my own experience) i know that it's a not an easy illness, it's more or less just like MS. although i do not have CMT i thank you for the great offer to help and share tips, it's wonderful to know there are people like you out there that are willing to share experience!
what i do know is that there's the "Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association" which have a very good site with the latest news and even a big database project that you may participate and help find a cure to that horrible disease.
thanks so much!!

Q. after a pedicure, the soles of my feet are dark w/freckles, skin is itchy/thick, my derm says its eczema,help! the pedicure was in fall, 2002. I mad a mistake and wore nylon boots during a storm, the dye never fully disappeared. I would scrub the soles of my feet until I couldn't walk. However, within the last 4 months both heels are itchy, thick, dark-er and now they both have dark legions/ freckles have formed.A. Are you sure you are going to a clean sterile saloon? It is very important to make sure they use sterile tools for a pedicure because they can transfer fungal infections very easily. Either way you should see a dermatologist to get the right kind of cream treatment for your feet.

More discussions about W



 tungsten (Ger. wolfram); watt.


Symbol for tungsten; watt; tryptophan; tryptophanyl.


A gene on chromosome 6p21 that encodes an RNA helicase with ATPase activity.
Molecular pathology
SKIV2L mutations cause tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome.


 Symbol for: 1. Tryptophan.2. Warfarin.3. Water.4. Watt.5. Web–as in WWW.6. Weber fraction–psychological testing.7. Weight.8. White–as in WBCs.9. Width.10. Withdrawal.11. Woman.12. Work.


Symbol for 1. Load/unit of length.2. Workshop–see there.


Abbreviation for watt; tryptophan; tungsten.




Abbreviation for tryptophan; watt.

Patient discussion about W

Q. I would like to chat with someone w/any knowledge of fibromyalgia being treated with Methadone my best friend has severe fibromyalgia and has been treated with Methadone for the past several years. She has developed severe chronic anemia in these years. She now has lymphoma. I want to know if she is the only one and if methadone can affect bone marrow.A. I have never ever heard or read anywhere about methadone causing anemia, nor is that something that an opiate medication would normally cause. We all have a tendency to blame everything that happens to us, health-wise, on methadone sometimes--but in this case, you probably need to look elsewhere for the cause.
the Anemia is probably due to the Lymphoma. if not-her life is out of balance, she might changed her diet and may have shortage of iron or B12.

Q. Does anyone suffer with Charcot disease of bilateal feet? Any suggestions you may have w/ treatment? Thanks! I was diagnosed with Charcot about 2 years ago but did not believe I had same at that time. After going thru many medical issues with my husband and myself, this was put on the back burner, so to speak, until other items could be addressed. I am mostly confined to a wheelchair now and find it best off, for now, to wear those "Croc RX" shoes (maybe around $40) and also inserts inside the Croc shoes. Initially I was just buying the inserts, but as the bones collapsed further, with the bone on the right foot actually coming through the bottom of the right foot, I had some made which were made of a more soft, pliable material. Luckily for me, I have access to a person who makes them or else I would not be able to afford them; they are so expensive and often times not worth your money. Do not let people talk you into buying inserts until you talk with others or else you will be, like I was initially, just out hundreds of dollars. I did find a few websites whereby I was able to order shoes with larger toe room and heel room to accommodate the inserts better, another issue you have to think of. YOu just cannot stick inserts into shoes like you used to wear, it will no longer work that way. I would love to share any helpful hints, suggestions, and also hear from others. AS a medical transcriptionist for many years, I HAD typed the term before, just was not familiar with the ravages it can cause and the misunderstanding of friends and family members. Also, I have these grandchildren whom I would die for and my one wish in the whole world is to take them to Disneyland and just watch them for a day HAVE FUN! I have an older electric scooter but cannot yet bring myself to use it inside the house...our home is not that large anyway and certainly -- as I have found out the hard way! -- NOT HANDICAPPED FRIENDLY! I have not driven a car since Oct of 07 and I worked for nearly 18 years or so at a hospital in Apple Valley, California, and I miss working so much. If it were not for my sense of humor, my drive, my being a military wife (husband retired U.S. Army), my good friends and good family and, this part SHOULD have gone first!, my faith in God and in Jesus Christ, I do not know how I would have reached this point. I know EVERYONE is having problems...even the billionaires (and yes, I can feel sorry for them too). We are ALL in this together and to just love one another and help one another should be EVERYONE's top goal. I am certainly no saint here...still love to joke around and if it were not for the pain meds, I might even have a beer once in a while, but I want to do what is right and I want my legs back! I am also interested to know if anyone knows anything at all regarding stem cell research...I heard in N. California they are beginning some type of stem cell research plan for spinal cord injuries on human volunteers - ones I believe who have perhaps lost the use of their legs - so I would be greatly interested in knowing more about this aspect as well.Thanks for reading this and thanks in advance for any and all information, websites, names of other individuals, anything in order to help educate myself, and others, regarding Charcot disease. God bless all of you reading this and may all your own aches and pains be small ones! Blessings your way always - BarbaraA. wow...BARBS- your story is harsh...and (not from my own experience) i know that it's a not an easy illness, it's more or less just like MS. although i do not have CMT i thank you for the great offer to help and share tips, it's wonderful to know there are people like you out there that are willing to share experience!
what i do know is that there's the "Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association" which have a very good site with the latest news and even a big database project that you may participate and help find a cure to that horrible disease.
thanks so much!!

Q. after a pedicure, the soles of my feet are dark w/freckles, skin is itchy/thick, my derm says its eczema,help! the pedicure was in fall, 2002. I mad a mistake and wore nylon boots during a storm, the dye never fully disappeared. I would scrub the soles of my feet until I couldn't walk. However, within the last 4 months both heels are itchy, thick, dark-er and now they both have dark legions/ freckles have formed.A. Are you sure you are going to a clean sterile saloon? It is very important to make sure they use sterile tools for a pedicure because they can transfer fungal infections very easily. Either way you should see a dermatologist to get the right kind of cream treatment for your feet.

More discussions about W



 tungsten (Ger. wolfram); watt.


Symbol for tungsten; watt; tryptophan; tryptophanyl.


A gene on chromosome 6p21 that encodes an RNA helicase with ATPase activity.
Molecular pathology
SKIV2L mutations cause tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome.


 Symbol for: 1. Tryptophan.2. Warfarin.3. Water.4. Watt.5. Web–as in WWW.6. Weber fraction–psychological testing.7. Weight.8. White–as in WBCs.9. Width.10. Withdrawal.11. Woman.12. Work.


Symbol for 1. Load/unit of length.2. Workshop–see there.


Abbreviation for watt; tryptophan; tungsten.




Abbreviation for tryptophan; watt.

Patient discussion about W

Q. I would like to chat with someone w/any knowledge of fibromyalgia being treated with Methadone my best friend has severe fibromyalgia and has been treated with Methadone for the past several years. She has developed severe chronic anemia in these years. She now has lymphoma. I want to know if she is the only one and if methadone can affect bone marrow.A. I have never ever heard or read anywhere about methadone causing anemia, nor is that something that an opiate medication would normally cause. We all have a tendency to blame everything that happens to us, health-wise, on methadone sometimes--but in this case, you probably need to look elsewhere for the cause.
the Anemia is probably due to the Lymphoma. if not-her life is out of balance, she might changed her diet and may have shortage of iron or B12.

Q. Does anyone suffer with Charcot disease of bilateal feet? Any suggestions you may have w/ treatment? Thanks! I was diagnosed with Charcot about 2 years ago but did not believe I had same at that time. After going thru many medical issues with my husband and myself, this was put on the back burner, so to speak, until other items could be addressed. I am mostly confined to a wheelchair now and find it best off, for now, to wear those "Croc RX" shoes (maybe around $40) and also inserts inside the Croc shoes. Initially I was just buying the inserts, but as the bones collapsed further, with the bone on the right foot actually coming through the bottom of the right foot, I had some made which were made of a more soft, pliable material. Luckily for me, I have access to a person who makes them or else I would not be able to afford them; they are so expensive and often times not worth your money. Do not let people talk you into buying inserts until you talk with others or else you will be, like I was initially, just out hundreds of dollars. I did find a few websites whereby I was able to order shoes with larger toe room and heel room to accommodate the inserts better, another issue you have to think of. YOu just cannot stick inserts into shoes like you used to wear, it will no longer work that way. I would love to share any helpful hints, suggestions, and also hear from others. AS a medical transcriptionist for many years, I HAD typed the term before, just was not familiar with the ravages it can cause and the misunderstanding of friends and family members. Also, I have these grandchildren whom I would die for and my one wish in the whole world is to take them to Disneyland and just watch them for a day HAVE FUN! I have an older electric scooter but cannot yet bring myself to use it inside the house...our home is not that large anyway and certainly -- as I have found out the hard way! -- NOT HANDICAPPED FRIENDLY! I have not driven a car since Oct of 07 and I worked for nearly 18 years or so at a hospital in Apple Valley, California, and I miss working so much. If it were not for my sense of humor, my drive, my being a military wife (husband retired U.S. Army), my good friends and good family and, this part SHOULD have gone first!, my faith in God and in Jesus Christ, I do not know how I would have reached this point. I know EVERYONE is having problems...even the billionaires (and yes, I can feel sorry for them too). We are ALL in this together and to just love one another and help one another should be EVERYONE's top goal. I am certainly no saint here...still love to joke around and if it were not for the pain meds, I might even have a beer once in a while, but I want to do what is right and I want my legs back! I am also interested to know if anyone knows anything at all regarding stem cell research...I heard in N. California they are beginning some type of stem cell research plan for spinal cord injuries on human volunteers - ones I believe who have perhaps lost the use of their legs - so I would be greatly interested in knowing more about this aspect as well.Thanks for reading this and thanks in advance for any and all information, websites, names of other individuals, anything in order to help educate myself, and others, regarding Charcot disease. God bless all of you reading this and may all your own aches and pains be small ones! Blessings your way always - BarbaraA. wow...BARBS- your story is harsh...and (not from my own experience) i know that it's a not an easy illness, it's more or less just like MS. although i do not have CMT i thank you for the great offer to help and share tips, it's wonderful to know there are people like you out there that are willing to share experience!
what i do know is that there's the "Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association" which have a very good site with the latest news and even a big database project that you may participate and help find a cure to that horrible disease.
thanks so much!!

Q. after a pedicure, the soles of my feet are dark w/freckles, skin is itchy/thick, my derm says its eczema,help! the pedicure was in fall, 2002. I mad a mistake and wore nylon boots during a storm, the dye never fully disappeared. I would scrub the soles of my feet until I couldn't walk. However, within the last 4 months both heels are itchy, thick, dark-er and now they both have dark legions/ freckles have formed.A. Are you sure you are going to a clean sterile saloon? It is very important to make sure they use sterile tools for a pedicure because they can transfer fungal infections very easily. Either way you should see a dermatologist to get the right kind of cream treatment for your feet.

More discussions about W
See Weight


(redirected from W)

WEIGHT. A quality in natural bodies, by which they tend towards the centre of the earth.
2. Under the article Measure, (q.v.) it is said that by the constitution congress possesses the power "to fix the standard of weights and measures," and that this power has not been exercised.
3. The weights now generally used in the United States, are the same as those of England; they are of two kinds:

1. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 1st. Used in almost all commercial transactions, and in the common dealings of life. 27 1/3 1/2 grains = 1 dram 16 drams = 1 ounce 16 ounces = 1 pound, (lb.) 28 pounds = 1 quarter, (qr.) 4 quarters = 1 hundred weight, (cwt.) 20 hundred weight = 1 ton. 2d. Used for meat and fish. 8 pounds = 1 stone 3d. Used in the wool trade.
Cwt. qr. lb. 7 pounds = 1 clove 14 pounds = 1 stone = 0 0 14 2 stones = 1 tod = 0 1 0 6 1/2 tods = 1 wey = 1 2 14 2 weys = 1 sack = 3 1 0 12 sacks = 1 last = 39 0 0 4th. Used for butter and cheese. 8 pounds = 1 clove 56 pounds = 1 firkin.
2. TROY WEIGHT. 24 grams = 1 pennyweight 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce 12 ounces = 1 pound.

4. These are the denominations of troy weight, when used for weighing gold, silver and precious stones, except diamonds. Troy weight is also used by apothecaries in compounding medicines; and by them the ounce is divided into eight drams, and the drain into three scruples, so that the latter is equal to twenty grains. For scientific purposes, the grain only is used, and sets of weights are constructed in decimal progression, from 10,000 grains downward to one-hundredth of a grain. The caret, used for weighing diamonds, is three and one-sixth grains.
5. A short account of the French weights and measures is given under the article Measure.



Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol indicating that this particular stock is a warrant.


A symbol appearing next to a security listed on NASDAQ indicating that the security is a warrant. All NASDAQ listings use a four-letter abbreviation; if a "W" follows the abbreviation, this indicates that the security being traded is a warrant.



Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol indicating that this particular stock is a warrant.


A symbol appearing next to a security listed on NASDAQ indicating that the security is a warrant. All NASDAQ listings use a four-letter abbreviation; if a "W" follows the abbreviation, this indicates that the security being traded is a warrant.


WWon (Korean currency)
WWoman (magazine)
WWho (Linux command)
WGeorge W. Bush
WWeather (US military aircraft modified mission symbol)
WLondon West (postcode, United Kingdom)
WWarm (air mass)
WWest Point, New York (mint mark on old coins)
WWeekend (airfare)
WWien (English: Vienna)
WWrapper (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
WWhiskey (aviation letter code)
WWarrant (securities/stocks; like an option)
WWarrant (Officer)
WWeiblich (German: Female)
WTungsten (atomic symbol)
WTryptophan (amino acid)
WWaco Aircrcraft Company (manufacturer's symbol; Troy, OH)
WWarhead (designator)
WWestinghouse Electric Corporation
WWarai (Japan: laughter or lol; internet slang)
WWait(ing) (action code)
WSweep Width
WWide Word
WIndefinite Ceiling (weather reports)
WSearch Subarea Width (US DoD)
WAvian Sex Chromosome
WProduct Logarithm
WWatchkeeping in duty roster (for ACG duties)
WUS DoT tire speed rating (169 mph)
WFull Size Black & White Drawing


  • noun

Synonyms for W

noun a heavy grey-white metallic element


  • atomic number 74
  • tungsten
  • wolfram

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • scheelite
  • iron manganese tungsten
  • wolframite

noun the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees


  • due west
  • westward
  • west

Related Words

  • cardinal compass point

noun a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second


  • watt

Related Words

  • power unit
  • milliwatt
  • kilowatt
  • kW
  • H.P.
  • horsepower
  • HP

noun the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabet


  • double-u

Related Words

  • Latin alphabet
  • Roman alphabet
  • alphabetic character
  • letter of the alphabet
  • letter




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