Acronym | Definition |
TID➣Ter In Die (Latin: Three Times A Day) |
TID➣Three Times a Day (prescriptions) |
TID➣Take It Down |
TID➣Trade and Industry Department |
TID➣Total Intermodulation Distortion |
TID➣Thread Identifier |
TID➣Tunnel Identifier |
TID➣Turbo Injection Diesel |
TID➣Technical Information Document |
TID➣Target Id |
TID➣Time Interval Difference |
TID➣Terminal Identifier |
TID➣Terrorist Investigation Division (Sri Lanka) |
TID➣Total Ionizing Dose (radiation hardness) |
TID➣Test ID |
TID➣Transaction Identifier |
TID➣Tree Identifier |
TID➣Target Identification |
TID➣Technical Information Document (Novell) |
TID➣Terminal Identification |
TID➣Tax Increment District |
TID➣Task Identifier |
TID➣Tráfico Ilícito de Drogas (Spanish: Illegal Drug Trafficking) |
TID➣Thread Identification |
TID➣This Is Dumb |
TID➣Technical Information Department |
TID➣Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance |
TID➣Tactical Information Display (US Navy aviation) |
TID➣Thermionic Ionization Detector |
TID➣Touch Interactive Display |
TID➣Tactical Impact Device |
TID➣Triple Information Display (car instrument) |
TID➣Tracking Identification |
TID➣Total Integrated Dose |
TID➣Traffic Identifier |
TID➣Thermionic Detector |
TID➣Trusted Image Dissemination |
TID➣Transient Ischaemic Dilation (cardiology) |
TID➣Task Identification Number |
TID➣Turbo Inlet Duct |
TID➣Target Impact Dispersion |
TID➣Tamper Indication Device |
TID➣Thermal Interface Document |
TID➣Task Instruction Document |
TID➣Total Ion Detector |
TID➣Terminal Indication Dropped |
TID➣Thermal Interface Drawing |
TID➣Telephonic Instrument for the Deaf |
TID➣Technical Infrastructure Definition |
TID➣Technical Implementation Directive |
TID➣Troop Information Division |
TID➣Tool Install Design (Intel) |
TID➣Trustee Investment Department |
TID➣Technical Infrastructure Document |
TID➣Telephone Information Directory |
TID➣Tools for Integrated Diagnostics |
TID➣Technology Infrastructure Division (various locations) |
TID➣Tax Instalment Deduction (Australia) |
TID➣Trans Ischemic Dilation (cardiology) |