

S0876400 (sŭl′kē)adj. sulk·i·er, sulk·i·est 1. Sullenly aloof or withdrawn.2. Gloomy; dismal: sulky weather.n. pl. sulk·ies A light, open two-wheeled vehicle accommodating only the driver and drawn by one horse, used especially in harness racing.
[Perhaps alteration of obsolete sulke, sluggish, perhaps ultimately from Old English āsolcen, from past participle of āseolcan, to become sluggish. N., from its having only one seat .]
sulk′i·ly adv.sulk′i·ness n.
Adv.1.sulkily - in a sulky manner; "`What else could I do?' said Graham sulkily"


(salk) verb to show anger or resentment by being silent. He's sulking because his mother won't let him have an ice-cream. 生悶氣 生闷气ˈsulky adjective sulking, or tending to sulk. in a sulky mood; a sulky girl. 生悶氣的 生闷气的ˈsulkily adverb 生悶氣地 生闷气地,不高兴地 ˈsulkiness noun 生悶氣 生闷气,闷闷不乐的样子