Acronym | Definition |
TGM➣The Games Machine (Italianvideogame review site) |
TGM➣Tetris the Grand Master (puzzle game) |
TGM➣Transglutaminase |
TGM➣Tirgu Mures, Romania - Tirgu Mures (Airport Code) |
TGM➣Tomas Garrigue Masaryk (first president of the Republic of Czechoslovakia) |
TGM➣Toggle God Mode |
TGM➣Transportadora de Gas del Mercosur (pipeline) |
TGM➣Territory General Manager |
TGM➣Total Gaseous Mercury |
TGM➣Toxic Gas Monitor |
TGM➣Turbine Generator Maintenance, Inc. (Cape Coral, FL) |
TGM➣Technisches Gebäude Management (German: Technical Building Management) |
TGM➣Trunk Group Multiplexer |
TGM➣Tables, Graphs and Maps |
TGM➣Telsiz Genel Müdürlügü |
TGM➣Thurgood Marshall Elementary School (Chula Vista, Ca) |
TGM➣Team Get Money (rap group) |
TGM➣Technologisches Gewerbe Museum (school for higher technical education in Vienna) |
TGM➣The Great Milenko |
TGM➣Training Guided Missile |
TGM➣Terminally Guided Munition |
TGM➣Transmission Group Module |
TGM➣Trenchcoat Gang Mafia |
TGM➣Tuckers Gap Meadows (Tennessee) |
TGM➣Tactical Group Multiplex |
TGM➣Technical Guidance Memorandum (PPBES process) |
TGM➣Television Guided Missile |