Vulf, Evgenii Vladimirovich

Vul’f, Evgenii Vladimirovich


Born May 25 (June 6), 1885, in Simferopol’; died Dec. 21, 1941, in Leningrad. Soviet botanist.

From 1903 to 1906, Vul’f studied at Moscow University, graduating from the University of Vienna in 1909. He worked at the Nikitskii Botanical Garden near Yalta (1914-26). In 1926 he began to work in Leningrad at the All-Union Institute of Horticulture, and in 1934 he became a professor at the Pokrovskii Pedagogical Institute. Vul’f’s principal works are on plant life in the Crimea (in 1927 he began publishing the multivolume book Crimean Flora), as well as on ether- and oil-bearing, tannic acid-bearing, and medicinal plants, the systematization of various taxa, and the history of botany. His works on the geography of plants are particularly important (An Introduction to the Historical Geography of Plants, 2nd ed., 1933; and A Historical Geography of Plants: A History of the World’s Flora, 1944). Vul’f participated in compiling the multivolume Cultivated Flora of the USSR (1935).


Russkie botaniki: Biografo-bibUograficheskii slovar’, vol. 2. Compiled by S. lu. Lipshits. Moscow, 1947.