Sergei Zarudnyi

Zarudnyi, Sergei Ivanovich


Born Mar. 17 (29), 1821, in Kharkov Province; died Dec. 18 (30), 1887, near Nice. Russian legal scholar, authority on civil law and procedure.

Zarudnyi occupied several important posts in the State Council, becoming a senator in 1869. He played a prominent role in the drafting of the peasant reform of 1861 and the judicial reform of 1864, assuming the bourgeois-liberal position—for example, demanding the preservation of the self-governing peasant commune. His book Judicial Codes With the Deliberations on Which They Were Based (1866) was widely used in prerevolutionary jurisprudence. Zarudnyi is also known for his translations of Dante and Beccaria.


Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Italianskogo korolevstva i russkie grazhdanskie zakony, parts 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1869.
Torgovoe ulozhenie Italianskogo korolevstva i russkie torgovye zakony. St. Petersburg, 1870.


Dzhanshiev, G. A. Zarudnyi i sudebnaia reforma. Moscow, 1889.