Sergei Vasilev
Vasil’ev, Sergei Aleksandrovich
Born July 17 (30), 1911, in the city of Kurgan. Soviet Russian poet.
Vasil’ev studied at the M. Gorky Literature Institute (1934-38). He began publishing in 1931, and in 1933 his collection of poems entitled Age was published. The heroic labor of Soviet people was the subject of his narrative poem In the Urals (1943) and the collections Soviet Moscow (1947) and Coal From the Moscow Region (1948). Vasil’ev is the author of the poetic trilogy Portrait of a Partisan (parts 1-3, 1938-43), a narrative poem about A. F. Mozhaiskii (The First in the World, 1950), satirical verses, parodies, and epigrams (the collections Looking at Faces, 1950, and others), as well as the words to songs for the masses. His collection On the River Channel (1969) includes translations from Sabir, along with original poems. Vasil’ev is an Honored Art Worker of the Azerbaijan SSR (1969). He has been awarded two orders as well as medals.
Chetvert’ veka, 1931-1956: Stikhi, poemy, pesni, satira. Moscow, 1957.Chei ogon’ zharche gorit. [With an introduction by N. Tikhonov.] Moscow, 1965.
Izbrannye proizvedeniia, vols. 1-2. [With an introduction by A. Makarov.] Moscow, 1966.
Proza pro poeziiu: Stat’i, vospominaniia, portrety. Moscow, 1967.
Odinochestvo na miru. Moscow, 1969. (Poems and sketches about America.)
Saianov, V. “Put’ poeta.” Znamia, 1958, no. 6.Mikhalkov, S. “Stat’ia o tovarishche.” Znamia, 1965, no. 11.
Oshanin, L. “Priamota poeticheskogo serdtsa.” Pravda, Feb. 14, 1967.
Denisova, I. “I vse—za Sovetskuiu vlast’!” Oktiabr’, 1967, no. 4.