Babushkin, Efim Adrianovich
Babushkin, Efim Adrianovich
(Party pseudonyms Tsybulia, Tsybul’skii, Graf). Born Dec. 26, 1880, in the village of Nizhniaia Toima, Viatka Province; died July 31, 1927, in Essentuki. Russian revolutionary. Member of the Communist Party after 1902. He was born into the family of a worker.
Babushkin began working in railroad shops in Perm’ in 1899 and was enlisted by P. A. Zalomov into a social democratic circle in 1900. He was arrested and sent into exile. From 1904 to 1905 he was secretary of the Bolshevik club in Paris, where he met V. I. Lenin. After November 1905 he conducted Party work in several cities of the country. He was a delegate to the Sixth Congress of the RSDLP (Bolshevik). In August 1917 he organized and became the leader of the Bolshevik organization in Kokand, was chairman of the Kokand soviet, and fought for Soviet power in Middle Asia. In September 1918 he was appointed consul of the Turkestan ASSR in Iran. Arrested there in 1919 by the British military mission, he was sent as a hostage to India and later to a prison in London. After his release he was arrested on his way to Russia by the Finnish Whites but was released in 1921. He was chief of a division of the State Bank in Saratov.