vestibule of vagina

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 [ves´tĭ-būl] a space or cavity at the entrance to another structure. adj., adj vestib´ular.vestibule of aorta a small space within the left ventricle at the root of the aorta.vestibule of ear an oval cavity in the middle of the bony labyrinth.vestibule of mouth the portion of the oral cavity bounded on one side by teeth and gingivae (or the residual alveolar ridges) and on the other by the lips (labial vestibule) and cheeks (buccal vestibule).nasal vestibule (vestibule of nose) the anterior part of the nasal cavity; it is lined with stratified squamous epithelium and contains hairs (vibrissae) and sebaceous glands.vestibule of vagina the space between the labia minora into which the urethra and vagina open.

ves·ti·bule of va·gi·na

[TA] the space posterior to the glans clitoridis and between the labia minora, containing the openings of the vagina, urethra, and ducts of the greater vestibular glands. Synonym(s): vestibulum vaginae [TA], vaginal introitus, vestibulum pudendi

ves·ti·bule of va·gi·na

(ves'ti-byūl vă-jī'nă) [TA] The space behind the glans clitoridis and between the labia minora, containing the openings of the vagina, urethra, and ducts of the greater vestibular glands.