Sergei Nikolaevich Markov

Markov, Sergei Nikolaevich


Born Aug. 30 (Sept 12), 1906, in Parfent’ev settlement, present-day Kostroma Oblast. Soviet Russian writer.

Markov first published his poems in 1924. He is the author of short-story collections, such as The Sky-blue Lizard (1928), The Arabian Watch (1931), and The Salty Well (1933), and of poetry collections, such as The Rainbow River (1946), The Golden Bee (1959), Heavenly Mountains (1961), and Terrestrial Roots (1961). He also wrote several books on the history of explorations and geographical discoveries, such as People With Great Aims (1944), about N. M. Przheval’skii and N. N. MiklukhoMaklai, Alaska Chronicle (1948), Semen Dezhnev’s Exploit (1948), and Around the World (1966). Markov’s well-known novel The Yukon Raven (1946), about the explorer of Alaska, Lavrentii Zagoskin, passed through many editions and has been translated into foreign languages. He has been awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and various medals.


Foniakov, I. “Serebrianyi prostor.” Sibirskie ogni, 1961, no. 3.
Prinkhod’ko, V. “Dorogi Sergeia Markova.” V mire knig, 1962, no. 8.