

单词 tgc



Abbreviation for time-varied gain control; time-gain compensation.


TGCThe Game Creators (forum)
TGCThe Global Community
TGCTrustworthy Global Computing (Symposium)
TGCThe Golf Channel
TGCTransmission Group Control
TGCTürkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (Turkish: Turkey Journalists Association)
TGCTrading Card Game
TGCThe Golden Compass (Phillip Pullman book)
TGCThe Gospel Coalition
TGCThe Games Company Worldwide GmbH (Germany)
TGCThe Green Culture (California)
TGCThermal-Unit Growth Coefficient (aquaculture)
TGCTight Glycemic Control (treatment)
TGCTribal Gaming Commission (American Indians)
TGCToronto Green Community (Canada)
TGCTake Good Care
TGCThe Great Cornholio (Beavis and Butthead)
TGCThe Growing Connection (UN Food and Agricultural Organization)
TGCTriangle Game Conference (gaming industry)
TGCTargeted Genetics Corporation (Seattle, WA)
TGCTradable Green Certificate
TGCThe Ganja Crew (gaming clan)
TGCThe Golden Child (movie)
TGCTauranga Girls College (New Zealand)
TGCThe Gentlemen's Club
TGCThe Goliath Chronicles
TGCTrue Geometric Counterpart
TGCThe Genome Collective (distributed computing)
TGCToppan Graphic Communications (Japan)
TGCThe Gaming Club (Crystal Lake Central High School)
TGCTime-Gain Compensation
TGCTerminal Group Controller
TGCTeodoro Group of Companies (Philippines)
TGCThe Gungan Council (Star Wars role-playing community)
TGCToastmasters' General Council
TGCTotal Guaranteed Cash (compensation)
TGCTana Gospel Choir (Madagascar)
TGCTaiwan Garrison Command (Taiwan's security and intelligence organization until 1992)
TGCTouch Guy Crew (Last.fm group)
TGCThe Gaming Center
TGCTitle Guarantee Company
TGCTransglutaminase C
TGCTrunk Group Cluster
TGCThe Grass Company (chain of coffeshops in the Netherlands)
TGCTransmit Gain Control
TGCTask Group Commander
TGCTokyo Gas Chemicals, Ltd. (est. 1973; Japan)
TGCTurbo Genset Company, Ltd.
TGCTime Gain Correction
TGCTender Gentle Care
TGCTactical Graphics Capability
TGCTwo-Group Classification
TGCThe Gate Crushers (TFC clan)
TGCThailand Glider Club (aviation)
TGCTactical Gear Command (Huntsville, AL)
TGCTrunk Group Communications
TGCTrésorerie Générale de la Coopération (French: General Treasury of Cooperation)
TGCThree Gauge Coupling (particle physics)
TGCTopeka Gospel Chapel
TGCTordjeman Gérard Consultant (French real estate agency)




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