

单词 pdt



abbr. Pacific Daylight Time


(in the US and Canada) abbreviation forPacific Daylight Time

EncyclopediaSeePacific time



Abbreviation for photodynamic therapy.


Abbreviation for:
pain detection threshold
pancreaticoduodenal transplantation
perchlorate discharge test
percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy
photodynamic therapy
population doubling time
Programme Delivery Team


Abbreviation for photodynamic therapy.


PDTPacific Daylight Time (GMT-0700)
PDTPHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) Development Toolkit
PDTPartido dos Trabalhadores (Portuguese: Party of Workers)
PDTPartido Democrático Trabalhista (Portuguese: Labor Democratic Party; Brazil)
PDTPhotodynamic Therapy
PDTParfum de Toilette (French: Toilet Perfume)
PDTPortable Data Terminal (stock keeping device)
PDTPiedmont Airlines (ICAO code)
PDTPomme de Terre (French: potato)
PDTPayload Data Tape
PDTPrinter Definition Table
PDTPeripheral Drive Table
PDTPing Digital Transponder
PDTPowerdrops Toolkit
PDTProgrammable Drive Table
PDTPayment Data Transfer
PDTProduct Data Technologies
PDTPeripheral Device Type
PDTPortable Data Terminal
PDTPacific Daylight Time
PDTProject Delivery Team (Army Corps of Engineers)
PDTProduct Development Team
PDTLe Parti Suisse du Travail (French: Swiss Labor Party; Switzerland)
PDTProfessional Development Teacher (various locations)
PDTPhi Delta Theta
PDTPersonal Data Terminal (various companies)
PDTProject Development Team
PDTProfessional Development Training
PDTProduct Development Technologies (Lake Zurich, IL)
PDTPunchdown Tool (terminates network cable)
PDTPolitecnico Di Torino (Italy)
PDTProfessional Development Tool
PDTParco del Ticino (Italian: Ticino Park)
PDTPage Deallocation Table
PDTPendleton, OR, USA (Airport Code)
PDTProduct Delivery Team
PDTPavlik Design Team (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
PDTProduct Design Team
PDTPosition Designation Tool
PDTParotid Duct Transposition (veterinary ophthalmology)
PDTPredeployment Training
PDTPHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) Development Tool (computer programming)
PDTPseudo-Differential Transconductor
PDTProgram Database Toolkit
PDTPeripheral Detection Task
PDTProjection and Display Technology
PDTProgrammable Data Terminal
PDTPressure Differential Transmitter
PDTPassive Dual Technology
PDTProcess Development Team
PDTPrototype Debug Tool
PDTPotentially Dangerous Taxpayer
PDTProcurement Development Team (NASA)
PDTPerformance Demonstration Test
PDTProliferation Detection Technology
PDTPort Data Table
PDTProvisioning Technical Data
PDTPolicy Definition Tool
PDTPrimary Designated Target
PDTPublished Data Tapes
PDTPair-Wise Difference Test
PDTProcessed Directional Transmission
PDTPhysical Deposition Technique
PDTPull-Down Transistor
PDTPassive Doppler Tracking
PDTPercutane Dilatatie Techniek
PDTPolemount Distribution Transformer
PDTPulse Doppler Transmitter / Transmission
ThesaurusSeePacific Time




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