

单词 pds
释义 DictionarySeePd



(hardware)Processor Direct Slot.


(2)partitioned data set.


(1) (Processor Direct Slot) A single expansion slot on certain, early Macintosh models that was used to connect high-speed peripherals as well as additional CPUs. Providing a channel directly to the CPU, the PDS coexisted with NuBus slots on some models. The PDS was mostly CPU specific, but managed to remain standard on the Mac LC through various CPU incarnations.

(2) (Premises Distribution System) The cabling, racks and adapters that connect telephone wires within a building or group of buildings to each other and to external lines of the telephone company.



Notation for Pendred syndrome and DFNB4 gene. See: DFNB4 gene.


Abbreviation for:
pain dysfunction syndrome
Paris dosimetry system
Parkinson’s Disease Society
paroxysmal depolarising shift
penile Doppler study
peritoneal dialysis solution
perfusion defect size
Personal Demographics Service, see there 
Personal Dental Service(s), see there 
positive Darwinian selection
Progressive Deterioration Scale
psychomotor disadaptation syndrome
Psychotic Depression Scale
pulsed Doppler sonography





PDSProduct Disclosure Statement
PDSProduct Data Sheet
PDSParti Démocratique Sénégalais (French: Senegalese Democratic Party)
PDSPlanetary Data System (NASA)
PDSIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
PDSPublic Distribution System (India)
PDSPharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (journal)
PDSProfessional Development School
PDSProfessional Development System
PDSPartitioned Data Set
PDSPrinter Data Stream (IBM)
PDSParkinson's Disease Society (UK)
PDSPanzer Dragoon Saga (role-playing video game)
PDSPersonal Data Sheet
PDSPrinceton Day School (Princeton, NJ)
PDSPacific Dental Services (Irvine, CA)
PDSPartai Damai Sejahtera (Indonesian: Prosperous Peace Party)
PDSPendred Syndrome
PDSPretty Damn Smart
PDSPartei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (German: Party of Democratic Socialism)
PDSProduct Design Specification
PDSPermanent Duty Station
PDSPersonnel Demonstration Project
PDSPublic Defender Service (various locations)
PDSParticularly Dangerous Situation (US NWS)
PDSPersistent Developmental Stuttering
PDSPosttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (health measurement)
PDSPrecision Drive System (vehicles)
PDSPredictive Dialing System (various companies)
PDSPioneer Drama Service (Englewood, CO)
PDSProfessional Development Series
PDSPortable Document Software
PDSPrintable Data Sheet
PDSPrint Device Subsystem
PDSPortable Display Shell
PDSPersonal Data Service
PDSPing Discovery Service
PDSPacket Dial String
PDSPowered Devices
PDSPlanetary Data System
PDSPersonnel Development Solutions
PDSPacket Driver Solution
PDSPersonal Document Station
PDSPersonal Data Sharing
PDSParallel Data Systems
PDSParallel Data Structure
PDSPosition Determining System (US DoD)
PDSPostpartum Depression Symptom
PDSPassive Detection System
PDSPlant Design System (Intergraph)
PDSPolynomial Dynamical System
PDSPersonnel Data System
PDSPerimeter Defense System (gaming, RA2)
PDSPersonal Development Skills (various organizations)
PDSProfessional Driving School (various locations)
PDSPower Delivery System
PDSProduct Development System (PTC)
PDSPreliminary Data Sheet (various organizations)
PDSPublic Domain Software
PDSPower Distribution System
PDSProjected Dynamical System (mathematics)
PDSProcessor Direct Slot
PDSProfessional Development Seminar
PDSPinnacle Data Systems (various locations)
PDSPrivate Debt Securities
PDSPerformance Development System
PDSSenegalese Democratic Party (Senegal)
PDSPerformance Database Server
PDSPremises Distribution System
PDSProfessional Development Scheme (UK)
PDSPartido Democrático Social (Portuguese: Social Democratic Party; Brazil)
PDSPsi Delta Sigma (sorority; est. 1921)
PDSProtected Distribution System
PDSProvidence Day School (Charlotte, NC)
PDSPacket Driver Specification
PDSProfessional Data Systems (various locations)
PDSPharmaceutical Development Service (various locations)
PDSPlease Don't Shout
PDSProfessional Development Specialists (various locations)
PDSPallet Design System
PDSPhilippine Dermatological Society
PDSPhotothermal Deflection Spectroscopy
PDSPainting, Drawing and Sculpture (various schools)
PDSPigment Dispersion Syndrome (eye disorder)
PDSPower Distribution Subsystem
PDSPacific Development Services (Tuscon, AZ)
PDSPost Design Services
PDSPhone Directory Service (Michigan)
PDSPotentially Dilutive Securities (finance)
PDSProcesamiento Digital de Señales
PDSProduct Discharge System
PDSPublications Distribution Service (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation)
PDSPublic Disclosure System
PDSPartito dei Democratici di Sinistra (Italian: Left Democratic Party)
PDSPrimary Distribution Site (US DoD)
PDSPhotoduplication Service (Library of Congress)
PDSPlanning and Development Secretariat
PDSPrograma de Desarrollo Sostenible (Guatemala)
PDSProduction Data Set
PDSProactive Disclosure Service
PDSPhysical Delivery System
PDSProcess Data Sheet
PDSProject Drafting Specification
PDSPålitelighet og tilgjengelighet av Datamaskinbaserte Sikringssystemer (Norwegian: Reliability and Availability of Computerized Safety Systems)
PDSParoxysmal Depolarization Shift
PDSPrint and Document Services (OfficeMax)
PDSPersonnel Data Sheet
PDSPhase-Diverse Speckle (image restoration algorithms)
PDSPersonnel Decontamination Station
PDSPaintball Detection System
PDSProblem Descriptor System
PDSPre Delivery Service
PDSPreviously Developed Software
PDSPaid During Service
PDSProtective Distribution System
PDSPittsburgh Diffraction Society
PDSPrecision Drill Squad
PDSProgram Data Source
PDSPower Demand Signal
PDSPacific Datacom Systems, Inc.
PDSPersonnel Daily Summary
PDSProvincial Development Strategy (Iraq)
PDSPowerline Detection System (helicopters)
PDSPost Deployment Support
PDSPhysical Delivery Service
PDSPeabody Demonstration School (Nashville, Tennessee)
PDSProgram Design Specification
PDSProject Development Service
PDSProject Design Standards
PDSPrimary Data Server
PDSProgram Distribution System
PDSPractice Dangerous to Security
PDSDemocratic Senegalese Party (Senegal)
PDSProduct Development Section
PDSProject Design Specifications
PDSPost Delivery Support
PDSProduct Development Schedule
PDSProcessing & Display System
PDSPulse Doppler Search
PDSPhotodischarge Spectroscopy
PDSPersonal Decision Series
PDSProduct Design Standards
PDSProfessional Development Suite
PDSProvider Development and Support
PDSPeyronie's Disease Society
PDSPink Death Syndicate (gaming clan)
PDSPersonnel Development Seminar
PDSPhase Dithering Sequence
PDSProgram Data Sheet
PDSPower Distribution Switchboard
PDSPower Diet Shoe
PDSPrevent Significant Deterioration (terminology relating to air quality)
PDSPrimary Data Stager (mainframes)
PDSPrivate Distribution System
PDSPrimary Development Service/Agency
PDSPartial Donor Scale
PDSPersonal Deployment System (web design & administration)
PDSProject Development Submittal
PDSPretty Damned Sexy
PDSProportional Differential Services
PDSPlan/Program Development System
PDSProgram Decision Summary
PDSProcurement Documentation Set
PDSPlatform Delivery System
PDSPlanning Design Sketch
PDSPlatform Deck Switch




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