Sergei Elagin

Elagin, Sergei Ivanovich


Born Oct. 8 (20), 1824, in St. Petersburg; died there Nov. 18 (30), 1868. Russian naval historian and captain first class.

Elagin graduated from the Naval Cadet School in 1842. In 1854 he became director of the office of the Naval Scholarly Committee. He developed a plan for writing a history of the Russian Navy, gathered an enormous amount of material, and began to compile a historical description. He prepared five volumes of Materials for the History of the Russian Navy for publication (1865–75), compiled List of Vessels of the Baltic Fleet. . . from 1702 to 1725 (1867), and wrote the first volume of the History of the Russian Navy: The Azov Period (1864). Elagin’s work was continued by F. F. Veselago.