Sergei Efimovich Malov
Malov, Sergei Efimovich
Born Jan. 4 (16), 1880, in Kazan; died Sept. 6, 1957, in Leningrad. Soviet Turkic scholar. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). Professor at Leningrad State University.
Malov provided the first descriptions of a number of Turkic languages in China. During an expedition to western and central China (1909-11 and 1913-14), Malov gathered extensive material on the language, folklore, and ethnology of the Uigurs, Yellow Uigurs (Sari Uigurs), Lob Nors, and Salars. He studied Old Turkic texts (Old Turkic Literary Records: Texts and Studies, 1951; Eniseian Literature of the Turkomans: Texts and Translations, 1952). He discovered and published (in collaboration with V. V. Radlov) the Old Uigur text Sutras of the Golden Luster (Altun Yäruk ). Malov was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Uigurskii iazyk, Khamiiskoe narechie: Teksty, perevody i slovar’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1954.Uigurskie narechiia Sin ‘tsziana: Teksty, perevody, slovar’. Moscow, 1961.
Lobnorskii iazyk: Teksty, perevody, slovar’. Frunze, 1956.
Iazyk zheltykh uigurov: Slovar’ i grammatika. Alma-Ata, 1957.
Iazyk zheltykh uigurov: Teksty i perevody. Moscow, 1967.
Ubriatova, E. I. “Sergei Efimovich Malov: Bibliografiia osnovnykh rabot S. E. Malova.” Izv. ANSSSR: Otdelenie literatury i iazyka, 1957, vol. 16, issue 6. (Obituary.)E. A. POTSELUEVSKII