Sergei Dmitrievich Mstislavskii

Mstislavskii, Sergei Dmitrievich


(pseudonym of S. D. Maslovskii). Born Aug. 23 (Sept. 4), 1876, in Moscow; died Apr. 22, 1943, in Irkutsk. Soviet Russian writer.

Mstislavskii was born into a noble family; his father was a professor of military history. In 1901 he graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics of St. Petersburg University. Mstislavskii wrote novels about the revolutionary movement in Russia, including Where the Blood Was Spilled (1927), about the Revolution of 1905–07; Partisans (1932), about the members of People’s Will, and On the Eve of 1917 (1937). His novel about N. E. Bauman, The Rook Is a Spring Bird (1937; published as Bauman, 1936), was very well known. His Roof of the World (1925) and Black Magoma (1932) dealt with the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus.


Soiuz tiazheloi kavalerii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929.
Bez sebia. Moscow-Leningrad, 1930.
Otkrovennye msskazy polkovnika Platova. Moscow, 1935.


Shmakov, A. “Put’ pisatelia.” Zvezda Vostoka, 1948, no. 5.
Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki: Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’, vol. 3. Leningrad, 1964.