Sergei Bondi

Bondi, Sergei Mikhailovich


Born June 13 (25), 1891, in Baku. Soviet literary scholar.

Bondi graduated from the history and philology department of Petrograd University in 1916, and he began to publish in 1918. His doctoral dissertation was entitled Problems of Rhythm in Poetry (1943). Since 1950, Bondi has been a professor at Moscow State University. His writings have been devoted to the works of A. S. Pushkin, as well as to the theory of 18th and 19th century verse. Some of Bondi’s textual principles formed the basis for the Academy edition of Pushkin’s works.


Novye stranitsy Pushkina. Moscow, 1931.
“O chtenii rukopisei Pushkina.” Izv. AN SSSR: Otd. obshchestvennykh nauk. Moscow, 1937, no. 2–3.
“Dramaturgiia Pushkina i russkaia dramaturgiia 19 v.” In the collection Pushkin—rodonachal’nik novoi russkoi literatury. Moscow-Leningrad, 1941.
“O romane A. S. Pushkina ‘Evgenii Onegin.’ ” In A. S. Pushkin, Evgenii Onegin. Moscow, 1963.
“Ob akademicheskom izdanii sochinenii Pushkina.” Voprosy literatury, 1963, no. 2.
“A. S. Pushkin.” In A. S. Pushkin, Izbr. proizv. Moscow, 1965.


Andronikov, I. “Zamechatel’nyi pushkinist.” Literaturnaia gazeta, June 27, 1961.