Acronym | Definition |
PDO➣Php Data Objects (PHP extension) |
PDO➣Pacific Decadal Oscillation (weather) |
PDO➣Petroleum Development Oman |
PDO➣Protected Designation of Origin (EC) |
PDO➣Panchayat Development Officer (India) |
PDO➣Persistent Data Object |
PDO➣Physical Device Object |
PDO➣Php Data Objects |
PDO➣Python Database Object |
PDO➣Product Development and Operations (various organizations) |
PDO➣Property Damage Only (police term for property damage traffic accident) |
PDO➣Program Development Officer (various organizations) |
PDO➣Plan for Development and Operation |
PDO➣1,3-Propanediol (chemical) |
PDO➣Physical Device Object (Microsoft windows drivers) |
PDO➣Professional Development Online (various organizations) |
PDO➣Panzer Dragoon Orta (game) |
PDO➣Partnership Development Officer (various organizations) |
PDO➣Parents' Day Out (church babysitting program) |
PDO➣Project Development Objective (various applications) |
PDO➣Palladium Oxide |
PDO➣Public Defenders Office |
PDO➣Publishing Distribution Office |
PDO➣Packet Data Optimized |
PDO➣Programs as Data Objects |
PDO➣Paid Day(s) Off |
PDO➣Personal Day Off |
PDO➣Professional Development Outreach (various organizations) |
PDO➣Pook Diemont & Ohl, Inc. (equipment contractor; Bronx, NY) |
PDO➣Program Decision Option |
PDO➣Purchase Delivery Order |
PDO➣Publication Development Order (US Marine Corps) |
PDO➣Philadelphia District Office (US SEC) |
PDO➣Private Development Organization |
PDO➣Potentially Damaging Operation (UK) |
PDO➣Publications Distribution Office(r) |
PDO➣Portable Distributed Object |
PDO➣Public Diplomacy Officer (US Department of State) |
PDO➣Postal Delivery Officer (Australia Post) |
PDO➣Preceding Direct Object (French grammar) |
PDO➣Plan for Production & Operation |
PDO➣Personal Development Objectives |
PDO➣Performance Determination Official |
PDO➣Princes d'Ovalie (French rugby team) |
PDO➣Phased Dependent Operation |
PDO➣Property Disposal Office/r |
PDO➣Pilots Development Officer (UK) |
PDO➣Philips-Dupont Optics (optical disc storage medium) |
PDO➣Public Disclosure Officer |
PDO➣Progressive Distortion Optimal |
PDO➣Past Due Obligation (finance) |
PDO➣Peak Deployable Output (water resources planning) |