Uvalde County

Uvalde County, Texas

PO Box 284
Uvalde, TX 78802
Phone: (830) 278-6614
Fax: (830) 278-8692

In south-central TX, east of Del Rio; organized Feb 8, 1850 from Bexar County. Name Origin: For Juan de Ugalde, Mexican army officer, civil and military governor of Coahuila and TX (1777); Indian fighter. The present spelling is a corruption of his name

Area (sq mi):: 1558.60 (land 1556.55; water 2.06) Population per square mile: 17.30
Population 2005: 26,955 State rank: 96 Population change: 2000-20005 4.00%; 1990-2000 11.10% Population 2000: 25,926 (White 32.70%; Black or African American 0.40%; Hispanic or Latino 65.90%; Asian 0.40%; Other 23.70%). Foreign born: 11.20%. Median age: 32.20
Income 2000: per capita $12,557; median household $27,164; Population below poverty level: 24.30% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $18,669-$20,381
Unemployment (2004): 7.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): -0.50% Median travel time to work: 19.80 minutes Working outside county of residence: 11.90%
Cities with population over 10,000:
  • Uvalde County seat (16,233)

  • See other counties in Texas.