reality orientation

reality orientation

 1. a program designed to improve cognitive and psychomotor function in persons who are confused or disoriented. It is often employed in long-term facilities to create an environment in which perceptions of the environment in relation to the external world are directed toward the reality of that world. Aids such as calendars and clocks and sensory stimuli such as distinctive sights, sounds, and smells are used to improve sensory awareness. The expected outcome of such programs for severely impaired persons is improvement in intellect and language skills, and increased participation in activities of daily living" >activities of daily living.2. in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of the patient's awareness of personal identity, time, and environment. See also testing" >reality testing.

reality orientation

An intervention to orient people with early dementia or delirium. It involves repetition of verbal and nonverbal information. The environment remains constant, and the person is reminded about names, dates, weather, and other pertinent information.