

单词 rtt





abbreviation for (Telecommunications) radioteletype



Round-Trip Time


(Real-Time Text) Text that is transmitted as it is being typed. RTT is used in closed captioning as well as TDD/TTY systems for the hearing impaired. It may also be used in instant messaging (IM); however, the majority of IM systems transmit the entire message when the user hits Send. See TDD/TTY and closed captions.


RTTRound-Trip Time
RTTRoof Top Tent
RTTRequest to Talk (radio)
RTTRéduction du Temps de Travail (French: reduction of working time)
RTTReferral To Treatment (medicine)
RTTReal Time Traffic (report)
RTTReal Time Text
RTTRadiation Therapy Technologist
RTTRett Syndrome
RTTReal Time Thread
RTTRound Trip Time
RTTReal Time Tactics
RTTRender to Texture
RTTReal Time Technology
RTTResponse Time Tracking
RTTRender-To-Texture (computer graphics)
RTTRock This Town (band)
RTTRealty Transfer Tax (Pennsylvania)
RTTRadio Transmission Technology
RTTReal-Time Tactics (gaming)
RTTResponse to Terrorism
RTTReverse Turing Test (computer theory)
RTTReady to Test
RTTRemember the Titans (TV show)
RTTResonant Tunneling Transistor
RTTReal-Time Tomography
RTTRapid Technology Transition (Office of Naval Research funding option out of POM cycle)
RTTResistance Point to Point
RTTRound The Twist (Australian children's TV show)
RTTRégie des Télégraphes et des Téléphones (French)
RTTRatio Threshold Test
RTTRequirements Transition Team (US Marine Corps)
RTTRadio Teletypewriter
RTTRound Trip Travel Time
RTTRemember That Time
RTTRight to Turban
RTTRegional Training Team
RTTResponse Technology Team
RTTResources, Trade and Technology (US CIA)
RTTResponse Time Test
RTTRecapture Tactics Team
RTTRadiation Transport Theory
RTTRiver Trails Transit Lines, Inc. (Galena, Illinois)
RTTReal-Time Targeting
RTTRadio Transmission Techniques
RTTRegistered Radiation Therapy Technologist (American Society of Radiologic Technologists)
RTTRocket Thrown Torpedo
RTTRequirement Traceability Table
RTTReconfigurable Tactical Trainer
RTTRequirements Tracking Tool
RTTResearch Tools for Translators
RTTRight-Tailed Test




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