

单词 rtr



abbreviation for (Military) Royal Tank Regiment



RTRReady To Run
RTRReady To Race
RTRRight to Represent (staffing)
RTRRundfunk & Telekom Regulierungs Gmbh
RTRRubber Tramp Rendezvous (Arizona)
RTRReady to Roll
RTRReceiver-Transmitter (US DoD signal equipment)
RTRRoyal Tank Regiment (British)
RTRRenault Technologie Roumanie (Romanian automotive engineering center)
RTRReal-Time Response
RTRReal Time Rendering
RTRReal Time Recording
RTRReal Time Reporter
RTRReal Time Interrupt Rate
RTRRenault Technologie Roumanie
RTRRead to Read
RTRReel-To-Reel (older recording devices)
RTRRadio e Televisiun Rumantscha (Romansh Radio and Television, Switzerland)
RTRRead the Rest
RTRResponse Time Reporter
RTRRoad to Rome (game expansion pack)
RTRReady to Rumble
RTRReal-Time Radiography
RTRReal Time Review
RTRReady to Riot
RTRRussian Television and Radio (Russian national TV broadcaster)
RTRRoom to Room
RTRRacing Throttle Response (TVS Motor Company)
RTRRaise The Roof
RTRReady-To-Receive (IBM VTAM)
RTRRemote Transmission Request
RTRRelease Time for Research (various schools)
RTRRapid Thermal Processing
RTRRome: Total Realism (gaming modification for Rome: Total War)
RTRRoad to Revolution (Linkin Park album)
RTRReliable Transaction Router
RTRRepayment Track Record (loans)
RTRRemote Transmitter/Receiver
RTRReal-Time Racing Game (video game)
RTRTV- and Radio Company (Russian)
RTRRun to Run (variation)
RTRRoll Tide Roll (University of Alabama)
RTRRandom Transaction Rate (Memory Technology)
RTRRight to Rule (gaming clan)
RTRRenal Transplant Recipient
RTRReal-Time Ring
RTRReal Time Replenishment (telecommunications)
RTRReinforced Thermosetting Resin (piping material)
RTRReplenishment Tax Rate (Texas)
RTRReal-Time Relationships (Stefan Molyneux book)
RTRRapid Technology Rationalization (Novell)
RTRRecord to Report (business process)
RTRResearch and Test Reactor
RTRRight to Rebel (online gaming clan)
RTRRegistered Technologist, Radiography
RTRReal Time Retargeting
RTRResort Timeshare Resale
RTRResponse to Request Message (FIPS)
RTRReal Time Rater
RTRReturn to Research (program)
RTRRevised Technical Report
RTRReport of Test Results
RTRReal-Time Raster
RTRResearch and Technology Resume (NASA)
RTRRadar Trajectory Report (DoD)
RTRReactor Technology Report
RTRReturning to Ramp
RTRRequirement Traceability Report
RTRResponse Time Recorder
RTRRyder Truck Rental LLP
RTRResonant Transient Radiation
RTRRetirement Trust Resources
RTRRégime de Travail Radiologique (French: Radiological Work Plan)




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更新时间:2025/4/1 5:41:35