Volga River State Recreation Area

Volga River State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Iowa
Location:4 miles north of Fayette, off IA 150.
Facilities:49 non-modern campsites (é), with an area for equestrian camping(campground has no flush toilets or showers, but a moderncampground is planned), 2 main picnic areas, trails, boat ramp. Beachand swimming area planned.
Activities:Camping, lake and river fishing, boating, canoeing, hiking, horsebackriding, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, hunting.
Special Features:Park's scenic features include the Volga River and the old steel bridges that cross it, striking rock formations, prairie areas, and natural woodlands with unusual stands of aspen and Canadian yew. The area provides excellent habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife.
Address:10225 Ivy Rd
Fayette, IA 52142

Web: www.iowadnr.com/parks/state_park_list/volga_river.html
Size: 5,500 acres.

See other parks in Iowa.