TFZTechnologie-und Förderzentrum (German: Technology and Support Center)
TFZTechnology and Support Centre (Bavarian Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry; Germany)
TFZTranslation Function Z-Score
TFZTriebfahrzeug (German: Traction Unit; Railway)
TFZTanger Free Zone (commercial consortium; Morocco)
TFZThe Fight Zone (martial arts)
TFZTierforschungszentrum (German: Animal Research Center)
TFZTalentförderungszentrum (German: Talent Development Center)
TFZTask Force Zeta (gaming)
TFZTherapie-und Fortbildungszentrum (German: Therapy and Training Center)
TFZThiol-Functionalized Zeolite
TFZThe Film Zone (cable channel)
TFZTieber Freizeitzentrum (German: Tieber Leisure Cente; Austria)
TFZThe Frag Zone (gaming)
TFZTjörnes Fracture Zone (seismic zone; Iceland)
TFZTeaching from Zion
TFZThe Freight Zone (shipping; various locations)
TFZTransformers Zone
TFZTaxi Fahrdienst Zentrale (German: Taxi Car Service Center)
TFZTask Force Zener (gaming)
TFZTraffic Flow Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland)
TFZTechnology Free Zone
TFZTraffic Zone
TFZTask Force Zulu (Airsoft gaming team)
TFZThreshing Floor Ministry (est. 2011)
TFZTajhiz Fan Avaran Zangan Company (lab equipment; Iran)
TFZTwitter Fan Zone