Acronym | Definition |
TFT➣Thin Film Transistor (Liquid Crystal Display, LCD technology) |
TFT➣Teamfight Tactics (gaming) |
TFT➣Thought Field Therapy (Roger Callahan) |
TFT➣The Frozen Throne (Warcraft III) |
TFT➣Task Force Tips (fire fighting equipment) |
TFT➣Table for Two (various locations) |
TFT➣Theater, Film and Television (University of California, Los Angeles) |
TFT➣Tools for Transformation |
TFT➣Thanks for That |
TFT➣The First Tee (various locations) |
TFT➣Technology for Teaching |
TFT➣Thin Film Transistor |
TFT➣Training for Trainers (various organizations) |
TFT➣Transmission Fluid Temperature |
TFT➣Toys for Tots |
TFT➣Tuffin Ferraby Taylor (UK) |
TFT➣Tools for Trade (Atlanta, GA) |
TFT➣Toy Fox Terrier |
TFT➣Tit for Tat |
TFT➣Tropical Forest Trust (now The Forest Trust; est. 1999) |
TFT➣Training for Transformation (various locations) |
TFT➣The Forest Trust (formerly Tropical Forest Trust; est. 1999) |
TFT➣Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
TFT➣Tokyo Fashion Town (Japan) |
TFT➣Thyroid Function Test |
TFT➣Terror Free Tomorrow (Washington, DC) |
TFT➣Théatre Français de Toronto (French: French Theater of Toronto; Canada) |
TFT➣Tomorrow Focus Technologies (Germany) |
TFT➣The Fantasy Trip (role-playing game) |
TFT➣Task Force Team |
TFT➣The Font Thing (software) |
TFT➣Traffic Flow Template (3GPP) |
TFT➣Tuning Fork Test |
TFT➣Travelers for Travelers (travel community) |
TFT➣Time For Tea |
TFT➣Textile and Fibre Technology (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization; Australia) |
TFT➣The Fighting Tigers (gaming) |
TFT➣Test Fix Test |
TFT➣Ten Foot Toss (gaming) |
TFT➣Technology for Timber Ltd. (UK) |
TFT➣Thin Film Technology Corporation |
TFT➣Treats for Troops |
TFT➣Tabular Firing Tables |
TFT➣Technical Feasibility Testing |
TFT➣Tune for Time (fastest execution) |
TFT➣Tableau de Flux de Trésorerie (French: Table of Cash Flow) |
TFT➣Tri-band Field Terminal |
TFT➣Transaction Function Table |
TFT➣Turbine Fuel Technologies (Des Moines, IA) |
TFT➣Trinitron Flat Tube (Sony television) |
TFT➣Time Flexible Training |
TFT➣Transport For Transplant |
TFT➣Time From Transmission |
TFT➣Time Off Target |
TFT➣Transaction Fall Through (real estate) |
TFT➣Technical Focus Team (US DoD) |