Acronym | Definition |
PCT➣Percent |
PCT➣Primary Care Trust (UK National Health Service) |
PCT➣Picture (file name extension) |
PCT➣Patient Care Technician (aka Personal Care Technician) |
PCT➣Patent Cooperation Treaty (International Patent Cooperation Union) |
PCT➣Pacific Crest Trail |
PCT➣Post-Cycle Therapy (anabolic steroids) |
PCT➣Precinct (election district) |
PCT➣Procalcitonin (peptides) |
PCT➣Precinct |
PCT➣Save Percentage (hockey) |
PCT➣Placebo Controlled Trial (pharmaceuticals) |
PCT➣Pressure Cycling Technology (analytical sample preparation technique) |
PCT➣Pennsylvania College of Technology |
PCT➣Porphyria Cutanea Tarda |
PCT➣Projected Capacitive Touchscreen (touchscreen technology) |
PCT➣Praceta (Portuguese: courtyard; postal usage) |
PCT➣Physical-Chemical Treatment |
PCT➣Projected Capacitive Technology (touch screen) |
PCT➣Person-Centered Therapy (Carl Rogers) |
PCT➣Personal Construct Theory |
PCT➣Perceptual Control Theory |
PCT➣Process Control Training |
PCT➣Phase Control Thyristor |
PCT➣Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought (journal) |
PCT➣Postcoital Test |
PCT➣Princeton, IL (Amtrak station code; Princeton, IL) |
PCT➣Pew Charitable Trusts |
PCT➣Polychemotherapy (medical treatment) |
PCT➣Progenitor Cell Therapy (various locations) |
PCT➣Personal Carbon Trading (political policy) |
PCT➣Program Control Table |
PCT➣Picture Coding Type |
PCT➣Private Communications Technology |
PCT➣Program Coding Tools |
PCT➣Picture File |
PCT➣Peripheral Control and Timing |
PCT➣Program Comprehension Tool |
PCT➣Pest Control Technicians (various organizations) |
PCT➣Process Cycle Time |
PCT➣Pastoral Care Team |
PCT➣Proximal Convoluted Tubule(s) |
PCT➣Percent Crop Treated (agriculture statistic) |
PCT➣Private Communication Technology |
PCT➣Peace Corps Trainee |
PCT➣Panic Control Treatment (cognitive behavior) |
PCT➣Pest Control Team |
PCT➣Personal Communications Technology |
PCT➣Process Control Technology |
PCT➣Program Control Table (CICS) |
PCT➣Pre-Commercial Thin (forestry) |
PCT➣Paired Comparison Test |
PCT➣Peet's Coffee and Tea |
PCT➣Personal Computer Tape |
PCT➣Pacific Coast Time |
PCT➣Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist(s) |
PCT➣Pressure Cooker Test |
PCT➣Congolese Labor Party (Republic of the Congo) |
PCT➣Princeton, NJ, USA (airport code) |
PCT➣Prayer Changes Things |
PCT➣Protected Content Type |
PCT➣Polycyclohexylene Terephthalate |
PCT➣Person Centered Thinking |
PCT➣Program Control Team (US DoD) |
PCT➣Pre-Conference Tutorials |
PCT➣Paris Convention Treaty |
PCT➣Parallel-Combining Transformer (wireless communications) |
PCT➣Preclinical Toxicology (studies of new chemical entities or drugs on animals) |
PCT➣Programmable Communication Thermostat |
PCT➣Potomac Consolidated TRACON (FAA) |
PCT➣Panasonic Center Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) |
PCT➣Peak Cladding Temperature |
PCT➣Process Change Team |
PCT➣Programa de Capacitação Tecnológica (Brazil) |
PCT➣Paid Character Transfer (World of Warcraft gaming) |
PCT➣Polychlorinated Triphenyls |
PCT➣Procurement Category Team |
PCT➣Product Consistency Testing |
PCT➣Pairwise Correlating Transform |
PCT➣Project Core Team (various organizations) |
PCT➣Platform Contribution Transaction (US IRS) |
PCT➣Parti Communiste du Togo (French) |
PCT➣Platelet Crit |
PCT➣Personal Computer Team |
PCT➣Predictive Control Technology |
PCT➣Process Control Team |
PCT➣Perforce Certified Trainer |
PCT➣Point Contact Transistor |
PCT➣Protected Communications Transport (Microsoft) |
PCT➣Pressure Controlled Tester |
PCT➣Personnel Control Team |
PCT➣Professional Cycling Tour |
PCT➣Precordial Thump |
PCT➣Pump, Cooling Tower |
PCT➣Positive Channel Transition |
PCT➣Pitman's Certified Teacher (secretarial training) |
PCT➣Product Confidence Test |
PCT➣People-Centred Technologies (Canada) |
PCT➣Positive Core Term (equations) |
PCT➣Pair-Wise Comparison Test |
PCT➣Production Conformance Test |
PCT➣Parallel Cellular Tool |
PCT➣Photon Induced Charge Transfer |
PCT➣Pre Cyclone Tension (edgy, Northern Territory, Australia) |
PCT➣Platform Commodity Team |
PCT➣Propulsion Component Technology |
PCT➣Parish Communications Team |