Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge
Vian, OK 74962
Established: 1970.
Location:Southeast of Muskogee in east-central Oklahoma.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, viewing sites, hiking trails, auto tour route (6 miles), historic features.
Activities:Boating, canoeing, fishing, hunting, hiking, bicycling, educational programs.
Special Features:Archeological sites with the refuge have yielded artifacts from all recognized prehistoric periods, although well defined components representing the earlier periods have yet to be recognized.
Habitats: 20,800 acres of open water, riverine, oxbow lakes, wooded sloughs, wetlands, agricultural lands, bottomland hardwoods, and shrub-scrub grasslands.
Access: Open sunrise to sunset.
Wild life: Mallards, gadwall, pintail, teal, snow geese, bald eagles, bats, armadillo, rabbits, woodchuck, white-tailed deer, black bear, western cottonmouth, timber rattlesnake, skinks, newt, salamander and frogs.
See other parks in Oklahoma.