

单词 tic



An abbreviation for "tongue in cheek," describing something humorous or intended as a joke, though seeming or appearing to be serious. I thought it was obvious that my comments were TIC, but it seems like I offended several people at the party.

tongue in cheek

COMMON If a remark or piece of writing is tongue in cheek, it is meant to be funny and is not meant to be taken seriously. I think people are taking all this more seriously than we intended. It was supposed to be tongue in cheek. Note: You can also say that someone is talking or writing with tongue in cheek or with their tongue in their cheek. If Howard said that, it must have been with tongue in cheek. Labour MPs, some with their tongue firmly in their cheeks, judged the result to have been a great success. Note: Tongue-in-cheek can also be used before a noun. The advert was meant to be a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek approach. We never intended to offend anyone.See also: cheek, tongue

(with) tongue in cheek

speaking or writing in an ironic or insincere way. This expression originated in the fuller form put or thrust your tongue in your cheek , meaning ‘speak insincerely’. At one time, putting your tongue in your cheek could also be a gesture of contempt, but that shade of meaning has disappeared from the modern idiom.See also: cheek, tongue

(with) tongue in ˈcheek

(also with your tongue in your ˈcheek) if you say something with your tongue in your cheek, you are not being serious and mean it as a joke: I never know if Charlie’s serious or if he’s speaking with tongue in cheek.a tongue-in-cheek remark OPPOSITE: in all seriousnessSee also: cheek, tongue

tongue in cheek

and TIC phr. & comp. abb. a phrase said when the speaker is joking or not being sincere. My comment was made TIC. Don’t take me seriously. See also: cheek, tongue


verbSee tongue in cheek



see spasmspasm,
involuntary rigid muscle contraction, often persistent and often accompanied by pain. It usually has some underlying physical cause such as disease, strain, or injury to the muscle or nearby tissues, impairment of circulation, or a disturbance of body chemistry.
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an involuntary muscular contraction; a form of hyperkinesia. A tic may be related to the effect of encephalitis on parts of the brain; it may be a congenital pathological condition, frequently associated with a neuropathic personality; it may appear with attacks of trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux); or it may result from neuritis of the facial nerve. A distinction is made between generalized tics, involving all the muscles, and local tics, which are more common. The muscles usually affected are those of the face and neck. The twitching resembles such voluntary movements as winking, frowning, lip-smacking, or lip-licking. Tics generally disappear during sleep and become more severe under emotional stress. Treatment consists of the administration of sedatives, tranquilizers, and anticonvulsants.


Pathol spasmodic twitching of a particular group of muscles


(Token Ring Interface Card) Slang for a Token Ring NIC (network interface card). See token ring network.



 [tik] (Fr.) an involuntary, compulsive, rapid, repetitive, stereotyped movement or vocalization, experienced as irresistible although it can be suppressed for some length of time; occurrence is increased by stress and reduced during sleep or engrossing activities. Tics may be of psychogenic or neurogenic origin and are subclassified as either simple, such as eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, coughing, grunting, snorting, or barking; or complex, such as facial gestures, grooming motions, coprolalia (obscene language), echolalia (repeating the most recently heard word or sound), or echokinesis (imitation of another's movements).tic douloureux a painful disorder of the trigeminal nerve, characterized by severe pain in the face and forehead on the affected side, extending to the midline of the face and head, triggered by stimuli such as cold drafts, chewing, drinking cold liquids, brushing the hair, or washing the face. Called also trigeminal neuralgia.
Treatment. Medical treatment is usually preferred, since surgical correction results in complete loss of sensation in the areas served by the nerve. The drugs employed include trichloroethylene administered by inhalation, niacin, potassium chloride, diethazine, and most recently carbamazepine. When surgery is resorted to, the patient must be watched for signs of corneal infection, which frequently occurs, usually because of loss of the corneal reflex, which normally provides a warning when foreign material or other injurious agents enter the eye. Postoperative instructions must be given so that the patient can take necessary measures for the protection of the eye after discharge from the hospital.
facial tic spasm of the facial muscles.


(tik), Do not confuse this word with tick.Habitual, repeated contraction of certain muscles, resulting in stereotyped individualized actions that can be voluntarily suppressed for only brief periods, for example, clearing the throat, sniffing, pursing the lips, excessive blinking; especially prominent when the person is under stress; there is no known pathologic substrate.
See also: spasm.
Synonym(s): Brissaud disease, habit chorea, habit spasm [Fr.]


(tĭk)n.1. A repetitive, rapid, sudden muscular movement or vocalization, usually experienced as involuntary or semivoluntary.2. A quirk or habit of behavior or language: common phrases that have become verbal tics.intr.v. ticced, ticcing, tics To have a tic; produce tics: factors that affect the frequency of ticcing.
A sudden, repetitive, stereotyped, nonrhythmic movement—motor tic—or sound—phonic tic—involving discrete muscle groups, which may be invisible to the observer—e.g., abdominal tensing
Common tics Eye blinking, throat clearing
DiffDx Chorea, dystonia, myoclonus, autism and stereotypic movement disorder, compulsive movements of OCD and seizure activity


Habit spasm A complex of multiple abrupt, coordinated involuntary and/or compulsive spasms, including eye blinking, facial gestures, vocalizations, shoulder shrugging, etc which, when controlled, may be followed by more intense and frequent 'rebound' contractions; tics may be exacerbated by stress and ameliorated by psychotherapy. See Dystonic tic, Motor tic, Tourette syndrome, Transient tic disorder, Verbal tic, Vocal tic. Cf Jumping Frenchmen of Maine syndrome Medtalk A popular synonym for diverticulosis.


(tik) Habitual, repeated contraction of certain muscles, resulting in stereotyped individualized actions that can be voluntarily suppressed for only brief periods (e.g., clearing the throat, sniffing, pursing the lips, excessive blinking); especially prominent when the person is under stress; there is no known pathologic substrate.
See also: spasm
Synonym(s): Brissaud disease, habit spasm.


Brief and intermittent involuntary movement or sound.Mentioned in: Tourette Syndrome


Edouard, French physician, 1852-1909. Brissaud disease - habitual, repeated contraction of certain muscles, resulting in actions that can be voluntarily suppressed for only brief periods. Synonym(s): ticBrissaud infantilism - Synonym(s): infantile hypothyroidismBrissaud reflex - tickling the sole causes a contraction of the tensor fasciae latae muscle, even when there is no responsive movement of the toes.Brissaud-Marie syndrome - unilateral spasm of the tongue and lips, of hysterical nature.


(tik) Habitual, repeated contraction of some muscles, resulting in stereotyped individualized actions that can be voluntarily suppressed for only brief periods, e.g., clearing the throat, sniffing. [Fr.]

Patient discussion about tic

Q. Eczema tic itching leads making his skin reddish and abraded. My brothers eczema is very vulnerable to allergens. In spite of steps taken to eliminate this we have not succeeded much. His medicines do not help him. They cannot cure this immune disorder. They have started showing some side effects. His fight for eczema tic itching starts again once he stops his medicines. Eczema tic itching leads making his skin reddish and abraded. If any diet can help then please guide?A. Though food can also trigger eczema symptoms. Thus you must avoid cow`s milk, eggs, shellfish. Avoid dusty areas, pollution. His doctor would have told about the allergens to be avoided just follow them. You can also make him have raw food. It’s said that they help reduce on the return of the symptoms. Use anything as natural as possible, like soaps, clothing and anything which is unnatural. This will help for the eczematic impact to reduce.

More discussions about tic
LegalSeeTenancy in CommonFinancialSeeTICs


TICTechnologies de l'information et de la Communication
TICTechnologies de l'Information et des Communications (French)
TICTechnology in Context (education)
TICThird International Conference (various organizations)
TICTraining in Communication (various organizations)
TICTogether in Christ
TICTecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones
TICTecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (Portuguese)
TICThis Is China (Tove Vine book)
TICThe Industrial Company (Englewood, CO)
TICTitanium Carbide
TICThird in Command (gaming)
TICTheatre in the Classroom (various organizations)
TICTourist Information Center
TICTenancy in Common (finance)
TICTensar International Corporation (Atlanta, GA)
TICTo Improve Conditions (club)
TICThe Irvine Company (various locations)
TICTransport, Infrastructure and Communities (Infrastructure Canada)
TICTecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (Spanish: Information Technology and Communications)
TICThe Immaculate Collection (music album)
TICThe International Coalition (Red River Basin; US and Canada)
TICTudor Investment Corporation (est. 1980; various locations)
TICThermal Imaging Camera (used by firefighters, police, and military to detect heat signatures)
TICTotal Investment Cost
TICToken Interface Card
TICTrunk Interface Card
TICTokenring Interface Coupler
TICTcp Interprocess Communications
TICTotal Ion Count
TICTrade Information Center
TICThe Inner Circle
TICTotal Inorganic Carbon
TICThe Industrial Corporation (Steamboat Springs, CO)
TICTrade and Investment Committee (various locations)
TICTechnical Intelligence Center (US Navy)
TICTokyo International Center (Tokyo, Japan)
TICTechnology Innovation Centre (UCE Birmingham, UK)
TICTotal Ion Current (mass spectrometry)
TICTroops In Contact
TICTurfgrass Information Center
TICTravel Industry Council of Hong Kong
TICThe Insurance Centre (various locations)
TICTreasury International Capital System
TICToxic Industrial Chemical
TICTrue Interest Cost (bond finance)
TICTime In Class (US State Department)
TICTrusted Internet Connection (US OMB)
TICTechnology Integration Center (US Army ISEC)
TICTravel Information Center
TICTotal Installed Cost (total cost of Engineering/Procurement/Construction, EPC)
TICTenant Income Certification (tax credit compliance)
TICTerrorism Insurance Coverage
TICTechnology Information Center
TICTaxation Information and Communication (EU)
TICToronto International Centre (Canada)
TICTaxe Intérieure de Consommation (French: Domestic Consumption Tax)
TICThames Innovation Centre (UK)
TICTransportation Information Center
TICTraffic Information Centre
TICToyama International Center (Japan)
TICToshiba International Corporation Pty. Ltd (Australia)
TICTravelers Insurance Company
TICThe Internet Council (Herndon, VA)
TICTravel Insurance Coordinators, Ltd (Toronto, ON, Canada)
TICTaipei International Church (Taipei, Taiwan)
TICToken-ring Interface Coupler
TICTechnical Issues Committee (accounting)
TICTantalum-Niobium International Study Center
TICThe Interactive Channel (interactve TV network)
TICTentatively Identified Compound (analytical laboratories)
TICTank Industry Consultants (Indianapolis, IN)
TICTyre Industry Council (UK)
TICTravel Information Council
TICTime Interval Counter
TICTransvaal Indian Congress
TICTEL-Instrument Electronics Corp. (Carlstadt, NJ; manufacturer of avionics test equipment)
TICTelephone Information Center
TICTottori Prefecture Information-Center (IBM; Japan)
TICThe Information Channel
TICTransport Interconnection Charge (FCC)
TICTrouble Isolation Charge
TICTactical Information Coordinator
TICTechnical Integrity Custodian (Australia)
TICThe Techdirt Insight Community (forum)
TICTest Interface Controller
TICTechnical Integration Center
TICTechnical Information Contact (NIST)
TICTelecommunications Information Council (State of Alaska)
TICTechnician in Charge
TICTesting, Inspection and Certification (various organizations)
TICTachycardia Induced Cardiomyopathy
TICThe Interdiction Committee
TICTechnical Information Coordinator
TICTunnel Information & Control (protocol)
TICTactical Intelligence Center
TICTemperature Indicator Controller (industrial description of a controller)
TICToxicology Information Center
TICTarget Information Center
TICTrouble Involontaire Convulsif (French: Involuntary Convulsive Disorder; film)
TICTarget Intercept Computer
TICTijdschrift voor Industriële Cultuur (Dutch: Journal of Industrial Culture; Belgium)
TICThree Island Crossing (Idaho State Park)
TICTelephone Initial Claims
TICTandem Inter-(LATA) Connecting trunk
TICTechnology International Corporation
TICTenderness, Instability, Crepitus
TICTime Is Capital
TICTest Item Cluster
TICTransport Informatic Center (Vietnam)
TICTransactional Interaction Contract
TICTerminal Indicate Capability
TICToaster Input Controller (Cisco)
TICTotal Item Change
TICTehnologiile Informatiei Si Comunicatiei (Romania)
TICTeacher's Individual Credit
TICTrainee Incident Commander (US FEMA)
TICTheater Intelligence Center
TICTexas Islamic Court
TICTactical Internet Configuration
TICThrottle Input Command
TICTenderness, Instability, of Crepitation (trauma examination)
TICTechnical Interface Concept
TICTarget to Image Correlation
TICTactical Internet Center
TICTask Interrupt Control
TICTape Intersystem Connection
TICTiming Interface Card (Sycamore)
TICTrial Intercept Calculations
TICToxicity Identified Compounds
TICTop of Inner Casing (monitoring wells to denote measuring point)
TICTactical Integration Center
TICTechnical Information Center/Coordinator
TICTerminal International Center (ITU-T)
TICTracker Illuminator Console
TICThreat Intelligence Community
TICTraining Implementation Checklist
TICTurbo Interference Cancellation
TICTeknisk Information Centre (Sweden)
TICTactical Interface Computer
TICTax Interpretation Circulars
TICTechnical Instructors Course
TICTechnical Interface Certification
TICTesting and Interoperability Center
TICTraining & Information Co-Ordination


  • noun

Synonyms for tic

noun twitch


  • twitch
  • jerk
  • spasm

Synonyms for tic

noun a nervous shaking of the body


  • quake
  • quiver
  • shake
  • shiver
  • shudder
  • thrill
  • tremor
  • twitch

Words related to tic

noun a local and habitual twitching especially in the face

Related Words

  • twitch
  • twitching
  • vellication




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