

单词 pco


primary care organisation

A UK term for either a
(1) Primary care trust (PCT), which currently commissions primary and secondary health services for the people in its catchment area; or
(2) Care trust, which commissions social and healthcare services.
PCOs receive a budget directly from the Department of Health, from which they produce a five-year strategic plan to show what they will do to improve local health and healthcare.
Primary care organisations:
• Assess the health needs of the local population and match the offered services to meet those needs;
• Secure agreed levels of service with local hospitals, which are autonomous bodies with their own leadership and plans;
• Pay for local doctors and dentists, who have a contract with the PCO;
• Commission community-based health services—e.g., therapy services, district nurses and mental health services;
• Work with other organisations and community groups to improve services, tackle health inequalities and improve health.


1. Patient complains of.2. Polycystic ovaries, see there.


PCOPhotocatalytic Oxidation
PCOProfessional Conference Organizer
PCOPrivy Council Office (Canada, UK, Senior Government Office)
PCOPest Control Operator
PCOProgram Controlled Output
PCOPoint of Control and Observation
PCOPublic Carriage Office (licence; UK)
PCOProcurement Contracting Officer
PCOPulp Canal Obliteration (dentistry)
PCOProfessional Congress Organizer (hospitality industry)
PCOPennsylvania College of Optometry (Elkins Park, Pennsylvania)
PCOProvisional Constitutional Order
PCOPut and Call Option (agreement)
PCOPublic Call Office
PCOPosterior Capsular Opacification (ophthalmology)
PCOProject and Contracting Office (US DoD)
PCOPrimary Care Office
PCOProspective Commanding Officer
PCOPoly Cystic Ovarian (syndrome/disease)
PCOParliamentary Counsel Office (various countries)
PCOPlanning and Coordination Office (various organizations)
PCOPoste de Commandement Opérationnel (French: Operational Command Post)
PCOProcess Control Outlet (various locations)
PCOPoint of Control and Observation (TTCN)
PCOPension Commission of Ontario (Canada)
PCOPleasure Craft Operator (Canada)
PCOPrivate Cable Operator
PCOPhone Cards Online
PCOProgram Coordination Office
PCOProposed Change Order
PCOPhilharmonic Chamber Orchestra
PCOPolice Communications Officer
PCOProject Control Office
PCOProtective Order Conditions (NCIC form datum)
PCOPotential Change Order (construction management)
PCOPathology Coordinating Office (various locations)
PCOProcyanidolic Oligomer (flavonoid)
PCOPrincipal Contracting Officer
PCOPeabody Concert Orchestra (Baltimore, MD)
PCOProcuring Contract Officer
PCOPittsburgh Civic Orchestra
PCOPower Control Optimization
PCOPrimary Control Officer
PCOPeg Count and Overflow
PCOProvincial Cultural Organization
PCOPlant Control Office (Hekimian)
PCOPrimary Care Optimization
PCOPublications Control Officer
PCOProduct Coverage Outline (testing)
PCOProduct Change Order
PCOProperty Custodial Officer (US NIH)
PCOProperty Control Office (USMC)
PCOPrinting Control Officer
PCOPortsmouth Community Orchestra (Portsmouth, OH)
PCOProduction Change Order (legal document required to make changes in production of a product)
PCOPolicy and Communication Office
PCOPolice Control Office
PCOPlanned Carryover
PCOPre-Conditioned Order (Ciena)
PCOPerturbational Crystal Orbital
PCOProcedure Change Order
PCOPhysician Contracting Organization
PCOPeople Capability Office
PCOProcurement Change Order
PCOPoinciana Civic Organization
PCOPrimary Credit Officer
PCOPrincipal Controlling Officer
PCOPrerelease Change Order
PCOPaging Channel Operation
PCOProgram Contracting Office/Officer
PCOProgram Control Office/Officer
PCOPlant Control Operations (telecommunications)
PCOPurchasing Contracting Office
PCOPrivat Charter Ostsee (German: Private Charter Baltic Sea)
PCOPublic Call Outlet
PCOProgress in Combinatorial Optimization
PCOProfessional Conduct and Opportunities




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