

单词 pcm



abbreviation for (Broadcasting) pulse code modulation


Please call me



(communications) pulse-code modulation


(data)Pulse Code Modulation.


(company)Plug Compatible Manufacturer.


(1) See phase change memory.

(2) See also PMC ( programmable metallization cell).

(3) (Plug Compatible Manufacturer) An organization that makes a computer or electronic device that is compatible with an existing machine.

(4) (Pulse Code Modulation) The primary way analog audio signals are converted into digital form by taking samples of the waveforms from 8 to 192 thousand times per second (8 to 192 kHz) and recording each sample as a digital number from 8 to 24 bits long (see sampling). PCM data are pure digital audio samples, and they are the underlying data in several music file formats (see WAV, FLAC and AIFF).

Sound Cards Support PCM
For output, a sound card's audio-out port provides an analog signal to the speakers. Compressed formats such as MP3 and AAC are first converted to PCM, and the PCM data are then converted to analog (see D/A converter). Sound cards may also output PCM and other digital signals such as Dolby Digital (see S/PDIF). For input, an analog microphone is plugged into the audio-in port, and the sound card converts the analog signals to PCM.

PCM Ports on A/V Equipment
When ports on set-top boxes and Blu-ray/DVD players are labeled PCM or linear PCM (LPCM), they refer to uncompressed audio channels rather than encoded formats such as Dolby Digital, TrueHD, DTS and DTS-HD. PCM can be mono, stereo or have multiple channels for surround sound. See Bitstream mode and linear PCM.

It Started With the Telcos
PCM was introduced in the U.S. in the early 1960s when the telephone companies began converting voice to digital for transport over intercity trunks. See mu-Law.

It Starts as PCM
PCM is the primary way analog waves are converted into digital form for voice conversations as well as music. Codecs such as MP3 and AAC that compress the digital data further apply algorithms to the PCM samples in order to eliminate overlapping frequencies as well as sounds that are deemed inaudible to the human ear.

It Starts as PCM
PCM is the primary way analog waves are converted into digital form for voice conversations as well as music. Codecs such as MP3 and AAC that compress the digital data further apply algorithms to the PCM samples in order to eliminate overlapping frequencies as well as sounds that are deemed inaudible to the human ear.

It Starts as PCM
PCM is the primary way analog waves are converted into digital form for voice conversations as well as music. Codecs such as MP3 and AAC that compress the digital data further apply algorithms to the PCM samples in order to eliminate overlapping frequencies as well as sounds that are deemed inaudible to the human ear.

Another Approach to Sampling
Sony's SACD audio format uses Direct Stream Digital (DSD), a dramatic departure from PCM. Instead of turning samples into a number with a range of values, DSD samples are only 1-bit long (0 or 1), depending on whether the wave is moving up or down from the previous sample point (see DSD).



Abbreviation for protein k-calorie malnutrition.


PCMPulse-Code Modulation
PCMPowertrain Control Module
PCMPhase-Change Memory (non-volatile computer memory)
PCMPrinciples of Clinical Medicine (various schools)
PCMPro Cycling Manager (software)
PCMPer Calendar Month (accounting)
PCMProcess Control Module
PCMPorsche Communication Management
PCMPhase Change Materials (intelligent textiles and fabrics)
PCMPunch(ed) Card Machine
PCMProject Cycle Management
PCMPrimary Care Manager
PCMPersonal Computer Magazine
PCMPresidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (Italia)
PCMProtection Circuit Module
PCMPower Control Module
PCMProject and Construction Management (Canada)
PCMPrecision Guided Munitions
PCMProfessional Case Management (est. 1986)
PCMProcess Control Management
PCMPC Magazine
PCMPub Cardinal Marunouchi (Japan)
PCMParacoccidioidomycosis (fungal infection)
PCMProcess Communication Model (Kahler Communications)
PCMProject Control Manager
PCMProduct Content Management (retail)
PCMProcess Change Management (Sprint)
PCMPhotochemical Machining (milling process)
PCMPlease Call Me
PCMProfessional Construction Management
PCMProduct Cost Management (various companies)
PCMProfessional Certified Marketer
PCMPolitical Campaign Management (various universities)
PCMPersonal Computer Manufacturer
PCMPrinter Cartridge Metric
PCMPulse Code Modulation
PCMPaladin Core Model
PCMPort Connection Manager
PCMPhase Change Material
PCMPrice-Cost Margin
PCMProsperity Capital Management (various locations)
PCMPhase Contrast Microscopy
PCMProcess Control Monitor
PCMProspective Corps Members (National Youth Service)
PCMPre-College Math (various schools)
PCMPacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia
PCMPresidência do Conselho de Ministros (Portugal)
PCMProcurement Contract Management
PCMProgram Committee Member
PCMProgramme Cycle Management (various organizations)
PCMPercentage of Completion Method (accounting)
PCMPolarizable Continuum Model (computational chemistry)
PCMPhylogenetic Comparative Method
PCMPartido Comunista Mexicano (Spanish: Mexican Communist Party)
PCMPre-College Mathematics (course)
PCMPCM Solicitors LLP (law firm; London, England, UK)
PCMPublic Consultation Meeting (various organizations)
PCMPhysics, Chemistry, Math
PCMProject Communications Management
PCMPeripheral Control Module (military communications project)
PCMPriority Call Management (Wilmington, MA)
PCMPer Cent Mille (nuclear reactors)
PCMPayments and Cash Management
PCMProfessional Conference Management (various organizations)
PCMPhysical Connection Management (FDDI)
PCMProcess Construction Maintenance
PCMPersonal Call Manager (telephones)
PCMPlug-Compatible Manufacturer
PCMProcess Change Method (Software Engineering Institute method)
PCMPlug Compatible Mainframe
PCMParallel Cache Management
PCMPolicy Compliance Management (software)
PCMPatient Controlled Medication
PCMPipeline Current Mapper (Radiodetection Ltd.)
PCMPersonal Car Mileage (New York)
PCMPersonnel Contamination Monitor
PCMPrecision Craft Model
PCMPrairie-City Monroe (school district in Jasper County, Iowa)
PCMPlug-Compatible Machine
PCMPower Converter Module
PCMPackage Command Manager (Microsoft SMS)
PCMProbability of Correct Message
PCMParty of Moldovan Communists
PCMProject Contribution Margin
PCMPequot Capital Management (hedge fund)
PCMPalais des Congrès de Montréal
PCMPacketCable Multimedia (Worldgate)
PCMPlutonium Contaminated Material
PCMProfessional Communications Management (various locations)
PCMProduct Catalogue Management
PCMProtein Caloric Malnutrition
PCMPractical Christian Ministry
PCMProject Concurrence Memorandum (engineering)
PCMPhase-Controlled Magnetron
PCMPhoto Contact Master
PCMPipeline Construction Manager
PCMPop Culture Madness (entertainment website)
PCMPalisade Capital Management, LLC
PCMPlug Compatible Module
PCMPrinter Cartridge Metrics
PCMParametric Cost Model
PCMPie Chart Master
PCMProduct Capacity Manager
PCMProcess Control Manual
PCMPositive Control Material (nuclear weapons)
PCMPersonal Communication Magazine (IEEE)
PCMPole Changing Motor
PCMProgram Cost Management
PCMPrework Communication Meeting (United Parcel Service)
PCMPixel Correspondence Metric (automated image processing)
PCMPassive Countermeasure
PCMPersonal Computer Module
PCMProgramme Centre for Modernism
PCMProgram Configuration Manager
PCMPending Contractual Matter
PCMPoint Code Mapping
PCMPrinciple-Centered Management
PCMPyrotechnic Countermeasure
PCMProposed Contract Modification
PCMPartition Control Master (Megasys)
PCMPort Controller Module (DSC)
PCMPreservation and Collection Maintenance (Cornell University; Ithaca, NY)
PCMPsuedo-Christian Moron
PCMPrecision Cassette Mechanism
PCMPneumatic Camshaft Motor (control device)
PCMProgram Coordination Meeting
PCMPerfect Coverage Model
PCMPrecast Cell Manufacturer
PCMProcurement Consultancy Manager
PCMProject Control Memorandum
PCMProduction Cost Module
PCMParti Communiste de la Martinique (French: Martinique Communist Party)
PCMProtein Channel Model(ing)
PCMParish Communications Ministry
PCMProbability of Countermeasures
PCMProduction Control Module
PCMPrescription Care Management
PCMPancake Mafia (band)
PCMPoetry Combination Module (UK)
PCMPorsche Club Motorsport (French automobile club)
PCMPorci Con le Mount (World of Warcraft guild)




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