Bekhterev-Mendel reflex

Bekhterev-Mendel reflex

A clinical sign of a pyramidal tract lesion in which there is a reversal of the tarsophalangeal response (normally, percussion of the dorsum of the foot evokes extension of the toes); flexion of the 2nd to 5th toes occurs in pyramidal tract lesions.


(Bechterew), Vladimir M., Russian neurologist, 1857-1927. band of Kaes-Bekhterev - see under KaesBekhterev band - Synonym(s): band of Kaes-BekhterevBekhterev disease - arthritis and osteitis deformans involving the spinal column. Synonym(s): spondylitis deformansBekhterev-Mendel reflex - percussion of the dorsum of the foot causes flexion of the toes in a pyramidal lesion. Synonym(s): dorsum pedis reflex; Mendel-Bekhterev reflexBekhterev nucleus - one of the nuclei raphes. Synonym(s): nucleus centralis tegmenti superiorBekhterev sign - paralysis of automatic facial movements, the power of voluntary movement being retained.layer of Bekhterev - Synonym(s): band of Kaes-Bekhterevline of Bekhterev - Synonym(s): band of Kaes-BekhterevMendel-Bekhterev reflex - Synonym(s): Bekhterev-Mendel reflex


Kurt, German neurologist, 1874-1946. Bekhterev-Mendel reflex - see under BekhterevMendel instep reflex - the foot being firmly supported on its inner side, a sharp tap on the dorsal tendons causes extension of the second to the fifth toes. Synonym(s): back of foot reflexMendel-Bekhterev reflex - Synonym(s): Bekhterev-Mendel reflex