

S0502600 (smŭj)v. smudged, smudg·ing, smudg·es To make dirty, especially in one small area: My shirt was smudged with soot.2. To smear or blur (something): smudged grease on my pants; smudged her makeup.3. To fill (an orchard or an inhabited area) with dense smoke from a smudge pot in order to prevent damage from frost or to repel insects.v.intr.1. To smear something, such as dirt or soot.2. To become smudged or blurred: Photo negatives smudge easily.n.1. A blotch or smear.2. A blurry or indistinct part or image: a smudge on the photocopy.3. A smoky fire used to protect against frost or to repel insects.
[Middle English smogen.]
smudg′i·ly adv.smudg′i·ness n.smudg′y adj.


(smadʒ) noun a smear or a blurred mark. There's a smudge of ink on your nose. 污點 污点 verb to make or become blurred or smeared. 玷污 玷污ˈsmudgy adjective 玷污了的 玷污了的ˈsmudginess noun 污點 污点