smudge cells

smudge cells

immature leukocytes of any type that have undergone partial breakdown, during preparation of a stained smear or tissue section, because of their greater fragility; smudge cells are seen in largest numbers in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Synonym(s): basket cell (2) , Gumprecht shadows, shadow cells

smudge cells

(smŭj selz) Immature leukocytes of any type that have undergone partial breakdown during preparation of a stained smear or tissue section, because of their greater fragility; smudge cells are seen in largest numbers in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Synonym(s): basket cell (2) .


Ferdinand, German physician, 1864–. Gumprecht shadows - immature leukocytes that have undergone partial breakdown. Synonym(s): smudge cellsKlein-Gumprecht shadow nuclei - see under Klein, Edward E