Acronym | Definition |
SMTA➣Surface Mount Technology Association |
SMTA➣Stand Alone Mta |
SMTA➣Standard Material Transfer Agreement |
SMTA➣Subordinate Message Transfer Agent |
SMTA➣Sewing Machine Trade Association (UK) |
SMTA➣Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas |
SMTA➣Southern Minnesota Tourism Association |
SMTA➣Sunday Movie Tweet Along (Twitter) |
SMTA➣Super M-Ta (Farmall tractor) |
SMTA➣Singers Musical Theatre Anthology |
SMTA➣Scottish Motor Traders Association |
SMTA➣Scio Mutual Telephone Association |
SMTA➣Sherwood Mutual Telephone Association, Inc. |
SMTA➣Society For Motivational Training & Action |
SMTA➣Surgical Manufacturers and Traders Association |
SMTA➣St. Maarten Timeshare Association |
SMTA➣Stochastic Many-sorted Tree Automata |
SMTA➣Senior Medical Technical Assistant |
SMTA➣Standalone Multimedia Terminal Adapter |
SMTA➣Southern Maryland Tennis Association |
SMTA➣Science/ Mathematics and Technology Academy |
SMTA➣Southwest Metro Transit Authority |
SMTA➣Student Music Therapists' Association |
SMTA➣Southern Michigan Trappers Association |
SMTA➣Southern Minnesota Transportation Association |
SMTA➣Southern Maine Theatre Academy |
SMTA➣Société Montbardoise de Transport et Affrètement |
SMTA➣Sick Minds Think Alike (chat) |