Acronym | Definition |
PCLA➣Pensamento Comunicacional Latino-Americano |
PCLA➣Property Claim Law Associate |
PCLA➣Public Communicators of Los Angeles |
PCLA➣Pavona Clavus |
PCLA➣Psychiatric Consultation Liaison |
PCLA➣Permanent Committee of Labour Affairs |
PCLA➣Post Colonial Liberation Army |
PCLA➣Palabra Clave |
PCLA➣Pennsylvania Club Livestock Association |
PCLA➣Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association |
PCLA➣Poetry Club Literary Angels |
PCLA➣PowerChart Local Access (Cerner Corporation) |
PCLA➣Pickerel-Crooked Lakes Association (Conway, MI) |
PCLA➣Peel Criminal Lawyers Association |
PCLA➣Planning, Compliance, and Landscape Architecture (Yellowstone National Park) |
PCLA➣Polk County Library Association (Florida) |
PCLA➣PC Logic Analyzer |
PCLA➣Punjab College Librarians Association |
PCLA➣Person-Caswell Lake Authority (Roxboro, NC) |
PCLA➣Primary Care Liability Alert |
PCLA➣Portuguese Canadian Lawyers Association |
PCLA➣Pacific Coast Lacrosse Association (Los Angeles, CA) |
PCLA➣Pioneer Community Living Association (Canada) |
PCLA➣Peace Country Luge Association (Canada) |
PCLA➣Parklawn Christian Leadership Academy (Milwaukee, WI) |
PCLA➣Paper Chain Letter Archive |
PCLA➣Polish Canadian Librarians Association |
PCLA➣Polish Cement and Lime Association |
PCLA➣Putnam County Leadership Academy (Greencastle, IN) |
PCLA➣Punjab Contract Lecturers Association (India) |
PCLA➣Primary Care Learning Association (UK) |
PCLA➣Paragon Cooperative Learning Academy (Covington, Georgia) |
PCLA➣Pittsford Community Lacrosse Association (Pittsford, NY) |
PCLA➣Pruritic Cutaneous Lichen Amyloidosis |
PCLA➣Pakistan Christian Lawyer Association |
PCLA➣Pittsburgh Civic League Apartments |
PCLA➣Power Control Linkage Assembly |
PCLA➣Piedmont Community Learning Academy |
PCLA➣Pacific Coast Language Academy (Vancouver, BC, Canada) |
PCLA➣Pressure Containment Lower Assembly |
PCLA➣Post Canyon Libation Army |
PCLA➣Peer Counselor Library Assistant |
PCLA➣Peter Collins, Landscape Architect (Ottawa, Canada) |
PCLA➣Phoca Largha |
PCLA➣Preliminary Coupled Loads Analysis |