

单词 pcl



(1)Printer Control Language. A Document description language used by Hewlett-Packard Laserjet printers, asuperset of HP-GL/2.

[PCL 5 Printer Language Printer Technical Reference Manual, HP33459-90903. Versions: PCL 3, PCL 5].


(2)Portable CommonLoops.


(3)Peripheral Conversion Language. A Honeywell commandlanguage for file transfer between I/O devices on the CP-Vand CP-6 operating systems.


(4)["PCL - A Process Oriented Job Control Language", V. Lesseret al, Proc 1st Intl Conf Distrib Comp Sys, IEEE 1979,pp.315-329].


(Printer Command Language) The page description language for HP LaserJet printers. It has become a de facto standard used in many printers and typesetters. PCL Level 5, introduced with the LaserJet III in 1990, also supports Compugraphic's Intellifont scalable fonts. Starting with the LaserJet 5 in 1996, PCL Level 6 streamlines the graphics and font commands, reducing the amount of information that has to be sent to the printer. See PJL.



A gene on chromosome 5q35.3 that encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor for vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) C and D, which appear to play a role in lymphangiogenesis and maintenance of the lymphatic endothelium.
Molecular pathology
FLT4 mutations cause hereditary lymphedema type IA.


1. Plasma cell leukemia.2. Posterior cruciate ligament, see there.


PCLPrinter Control Language (Hewlett Packard)
PCLPacific Coast League (AAA baseball)
PCLPublic Company Limited (Thailand)
PCLPosterior Cruciate Ligament
PCLPrinter Command Language
PCLPortable Class Library (.NET library)
PCLPsychopathy Checklist (criminal psychology)
PCLPrime Central London (real estate)
PCLPermanente Commissie Leerlingenzorg (Dutch: Needs Committee)
PCLPerry-Castañeda Library (University of Texas)
PCLPrinter Control Language
PCLPython Control Layer
PCLProcessor Control Language
PCLPowerline Communication
PCLPath Control Layer
PCLPortable Common Loops
PCLPython Cartographic Library
PCLProgrammable Command Language
PCLPotato Council (Agriculture & Horticulture. Development Board; UK)
PCLPassive Coherent Location
PCLPublic Contract Law
PCLPilot Controlled Lighting
PCLProper Collateral Ligament (anatomy)
PCLPersonnel Security Clearance
PCLProcess Control Language
PCLPrimary Coolant Loop (nuclear power)
PCLPhysique Chimie de Laboratoire (French school subject)
PCLPre-Code Looking
PCLPolish Clan League
PCLPower Control Lever (aviation)
PCLPortable Computer Lab
PCLPassword Cracking Library
PCLPocket Checklist
PCLProvisions for Credit Losses (banking)
PCLPictorial Computing Laboratory
PCLPhoXo Core Library (software)
PCLProtective Concentration Level
PCLPucallpa, Peru - Captain Rolden (Airport Code)
PCLProcess Control Laboratory
PCLPericiliary Liquid Layer (physiology)
PCLPrimary Congenital Lymphedema
PCLPneumatic Components Ltd (UK)
PCLPartnership for Continued Learning (Ohio)
PCLParish Catechetical Leader
PCLPer-Core License
PCLPost Conference List
PCLParallel Communications Link
PCLProgram Control Logic
PCLPattern Comment Line(s)
PCLProtective Concentration Limit (remedial environmental activities)
PCLPitch Change Link
PCLPositive Control Launch
PCLPermissible Contamination Limit
PCLPenguin Client Library (Club Penguin; gaming)
PCLPlama Consortium Limited
PCLPersonnel Control List
PCLProgress Checklist
PCLProving Center Lab
PCLPoste de Commandement Local (French: Local Command Post)
PCLPreliminary Change Letter
PCLProto-Cal Laboratories Limited (Antrim, Northern Ireland)
PCLProduct Computing Module Load(s) (Nortel)
PCLPre/Postwork Check List
PCLPeruvian Crewing Limited (ships)
PCLProgrammable Communication Line
PCLProduction Capability Lead Time
PCLProcess Check List
PCLPre-designated Conventional Load
PCLPreferred Client List
PCLPaintball Club des Lions (French paintball club)
PCLPost Closing Liquidity (finance)




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