(PCI-SIG, Beaverton, OR, www.pci-sig.com) An industry consortium founded in 1992 that owns and maintains all PCI technologies. It also sponsors workshops and technical conferences. Standing for PCI Special Interest Group, more than 900 member companies are involved. Following is a comparison of PCI bus speeds. See PICMG, PCI, PCI-X and PCI Express.

BANDWIDTH OF PCI-SIG TECHNOLOGIESThis data courtesy of PCI-SIG. Year Bus Clock Date RateVer. Intro (bits) (MHz) (GBytes/sec)PCI - Parallel Shared 1.0 1992 32 33 .133 2.0 1993 32/64 33 .133/.266 2.1 1995 32/64 66 .266/.533 2.2 1998 32/64 66 .266/.533 2.3 2002 32/64 66 .266/.533 PCI-X - Parallel Shared 1.0 1999 64 66 .533 1.0 1999 64 133 1.066 PCI-X - Point-to-Point 2.0 2002 64 DDR 133 2.132 2.0 2002 64 QDR 133 4.264 DDR=Double Data Rate QDR=Quad Data Rate PCI Express (PCIe)Serial Switched Point-to-Point 1.0 2002 x1 "250 MB/sec .25 1.0 2002 x2 per .5 1.0 2002 x4 lane 1.0 1.0 2002 x8 in each 2.0 1.0 2002 x16 direction" 4.0 1.0 2002 x32 8.0 2.0 2007 x1 "500 MB/sec .5 2.0 2007 x2 per 1.0 2.0 2007 x4 lane 2.0 2.0 2007 x8 in each 4.0 2.0 2007 x16 direction" 8.0 2.0 2007 x32 16.0

Types of Expansion Cards
PCI Express superseded PCI, PCI-X and AGP. The edge connector configuration prevents a card from being inserted into the wrong slot.